Page 137 of Naked Truth
I push off the railing and shove my phone into my coat pocket, before walking back to the door and stepping inside the living room. Jax and Savage are at the fireplace talking. They both stop and turn to me. “How did it go?” Jax asks.
“He called to ask me if Randall was here. He said he told him not to come, but the private plane was missing.”
Savage laughs. “We’re following them both, remember? Your brother dropped Randall off at the airport himself.”
In other words, Randall didn’t threaten me and Jax. My brother did. He just used Randall as the weapon to deliver the bullet. Because that’s what this feels like: a bullet, shot by my brother, right into my heart.
Chapter ninety
Iwatch as Emma pales with Savage’s words, and by the time the shock has transformed into anger, flushing her cheeks and lighting her green eyes, I’m in front of her. I know where her head is. I understand. Chance lied to her, he’s shut her out, the way Hunter shut me out, and that cuts. It makes you bleed. I cup her face and tilt her eyes to mine. “Don’t write off your brother over one lie that you don’t yet understand. Because the one thing I can say for certain, that me and your brother have in common, is that we both want to protect you.”
She chokes out a laugh. “He doesn’t want to protect me. He sent Randall here to threaten us.”
“Is that what happened? Are you sure?”
“He says no. I don’t believe him. My brother, the one I know and love, wouldnotsend Randall to threaten me, but I guess I wasn’t the compliant little girl he expected me to be. So as I said, he’s not protecting me. He’s protecting himself.” Her voice lifts, and it’s clear that she’s in that same emotional hellhole that I was in earlier over that DNA test. And I damn sure didn’t want an audience for that.
“Savage,” I say, over my shoulder, motioning him to the door.
“Get lost,” Savage says. “Got it.” He moves to stand beside us. “But before you get rid of me, we have a problem that just hit my phone. That hotel mogul prick Sawyer is giving Jill an uncomfortable amount of attention. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t really give a damn right now, Savage,” I say. “Just handle it.”
“Got it,” Savage says, but as he heads for the door, Emma grabs his arm. “Wait.”
She looks at me. “This isn’t going to end well. Chance could pull your whiskey from our hotels. Don’t piss off Sawyer. You need your brand to be in his hotels.”
She wants me to protect my relationship with Sawyer. A man who represents one of her largest competitors as a family brand. A man she knows that I planned to use to hurt her brand. She is a Knight like no other, that’s for damn sure. “Please,” she adds and then casts Savage a look. “Please.”
“A whiskey tray that ‘accidentally’ turned over on him it is,” he says. “A sad waste of booze, but a no blame game. I’ll go watch the show.” He heads for the door.
Now Emma grabs my arm. “Jax, damn it. Don’t let Savage piss him off. You need the Sawyer brand if you lose the Knight brand.”
“Savage will handle him, and you and I both need to stop underestimating our whiskey, baby, It’s elite, and Sawyer would be damn lucky to have it in his hotels.”
“Yes, but—”
I lean in and kiss her. “Let me lock up, baby. Then we’ll talk. Okay?”
She nods and I take her coat from her, which is actually my coat. “I like you in my coat,” I say, “but you might need to grow into it.”
She doesn’t laugh. She grabs her phone from the pocket and curls forward, hugging herself. A protective posture that’s understandable after that call and this night. I cross to the door, and once I’ve slid the bolt into place, I turn to find her standing right where she was, waiting on me, back in fight mode. “You aren’t getting how serious what happened on that call is, Jax. It wasn’t just a lie or a lame threat sent by messenger that we’ve now confirmed came from my brother. Chance is afraid of you. And he was my father’s protégé. My father always said ‘strike first or die.’ He’s going to come at you. He kept telling me to come home. Three times he told me to come home. He’s coming for you, and he wants me out of here before he does. And yet, I don’t know if me staying makes this better or worse for you. Maybe me staying pisses him off and motivates him to come at you harder.”
I close the space between us, my hands coming down on her shoulders. “Do you want to leave?”
“You know I don’t.”
“Then don’t go,” I say.
“It’s not that simple.”
“It’s as simple as we make it.”
“Chance believes you have a reason to come at him,” she argues. “He even checked on Hunter’s cause of death. He might not have killed Hunter, but he’s covering up something about it. My father. It must have been my father.” Her eyes go wide. “That journal entry:We’re better off with him dead. Or whatever his exact, horrible words were had to be referring to Hunter.” She tries to pull away.
I catch her and hold her to me. “Where are you going?”