Page 150 of Naked Truth
“Will you?”
“Willwe?” I correct. “You’re going to move in with me, remember?”
She smiles, and that smile of hers lights me up and motivates me to end this war. But it can’t end without true closure. Not when murder is involved, perhaps now with Echo missing, more than one murder. “Do you put up a tree in the castle?”
We step onto the landing in front of the castle door. “Of course, we put up a tree. One the size of a small house.”
She laughs. “I love it.” She offers me a coy look and adds, “I can’t wait to see it.”
Because she plans on being here. That’s exactly what I want to hear. I lean in and kiss her just in time to catch Ed, today’s doorman, smile, no doubt because I don’t bring women around. Ever. Or it could be simply that Emma’s smile is so damn charming. “Good day,” he greets, opening the door for us.
“Good day,” Emma replies, all perky and sweet.
“Hi, Ed,” I say. “How are things?”
“Splendid. People are loving the brunch fare and looking forward to the tour.”
“It’s a bit cold for an outdoor tour, isn’t it?” Emma asks.
“We have carriage rides through the property setup,” I say, my hand settling on her lower back, as we enter the castle.
We’ve barely stepped into the foyer when Jill comes rushing at us, like she was on a stakeout for us, waiting to attack. Thankfully, she’s traded her red dress for pink. “There you are.” She ignores Emma completely. “Your meeting is set up in the library including food but Grayson and Eric haven’t made their way this direction yet. They are, however, present in the castle already. And I need to speak to you alone before that meeting.”
“Hi, Jill,” Emma says, refusing to be ignored, which only serves to make me crazier about her.
Jill casts her a chilling look. “Hello, Emma.”
If Emma notices, and she has to, she’s nothing but gracious in return. “Can I do anything to help?” she offers.
Jill purses her lips. “I don’t know how you’d help.”
“Right,” Emma says flatly. “Of course, you don’t.” She turns to me. “I’ll just go into the brunch and have a chocolate-covered breakfast. Chocolate sounds really good right now. Is it in the same area as the other tastings?”
Amused by her delicate but rather cutting dismissal of Jill, my lips curve. “If is,” I confirm, pleased that she’s comfortable enough to go on ahead of me. “I’ll join you in a few minutes.” I glance at my watch and then her. “I have a good half hour to make the guest rounds before my meeting.”
“Sounds good.” She eyes Jill. “If I see a problem, I’ll jump in and help, but you know where to find me if you need me.”
Jill gives a curt nod and when Emma would walk away, I catch her hand, walk her to me, and kiss her. “Watch out for Sawyer. He’ll be here.”
“He is here,” Jill says. “And don’t even get me started about that man.”
Emma glances her direction. “I heard he was a bit of trouble for you last night. I hope he wasn’t too inappropriate.” She turns her attention to me. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll handle him if necessary.”
Jill makes a disgusted sound. Emma smiles at her response, as if at this point, she can do nothing but be amused, and heads toward the brunch. I step closer to Jill and lower my voice. “Emma’s not going away, Jill,” I say, “and most people find her quite charming.”
“Can we have that private conversation?”
I motion her forward. “Lead the way.”
She turns on her heels and marches toward her office. I follow her and shut the door. She doesn’t walk around her desk. She stands her ground on this side of the small office. I make use of her visitor chair and place it between us, my hands on the back. “What’s up?”
“Sawyer tried to recruit me away, groped me, and then vow that we won’t get his business if we’re doing business with the Knight operation.”
Savage said otherwise, but physical contact is too serious for me to dismiss and I’m feeling pretty done with Sawyer anyway. “The groping alone is good enough for me. We won’t do business with him.” I push off the chair, intending to leave.
She holds up a hand. “Wait. I’d rather you do business with him than the Knights.”
“Sawyer will slit our throats if we give him the chance.”