Page 194 of Naked Truth
My apartment, or rather the guts of my apartment, arrive to the beach house, by way of a moving truck a week after we arrive back in Maine. By that time, I’m talking to Chance frequently, while never speaking to my mother, and Jax and I have claimed our spots in the closet. We’ve also settled back into the routine we were in before we left. Coffee and a jog start our mornings, but now, we each have an office at the castle where we spend a few hours each day before finishing our day at the beach house.
By week two, I’m not only settled in to stay, but I’ve forgotten about clown masks and my fear of being abducted. A task made easier by the fact that on the day of our return home, Jax and Savage took me to the underground tunnel and showed me how it’s been locked down. Unfortunately, Echo is still missing, and hope fades that he will be found. Jax and I have made a habit of swinging by his place every few days because, well, we just don’t want him to be forgotten. The idea that Hunter’s memories fade into the crash of the ocean with nothing left to remember him by hits me hard and often. He was the brother I never knew. Whichinspires me to hunt for a way to remember him, a gift to the castle, so to speak, of Hunter’s eternal presence. And I figure out the perfect way to surprise Jax with it soon.
Aside from that, even Jill seems to be coming around, which seemed to happen when I suggested we host a Halloween party for the kids in the city at the castle. Her eyes had lit and she’d dove into the project.
And here we are.
Party time.
Jax and I start our day off with orange and black iced donuts compliments of the castle staff, which we eat at the kitchen island after our jog. It’s also the day Brody gets out of rehab. For now, I focus on the donuts. “These are better than any donut shop,” I say, sipping my coffee.
Jax licks icing off his finger. “Agree one hundred percent.” His cellphone rings beside him, and he glances at the text. “What the hell?” he murmurs.
I stiffen. “What is it?”
“Brody got out early. He left before I could pick him up.”
“Oh. That doesn’t sound good.”
Jax stands up, scrubs a hand through his hair, and then presses his hands to the island. “I don’t know why I’m letting this get to me. It’s not like he allowed me to visit on visitation day. He’s been avoiding me.”
I push off my stool and step to his side, wrapping my arms around him. “He’ll come around. Call him. Invite him to the party tonight.”
“I’m going to go by his place.” He kisses me. “I need to try to talk to him, brother to brother. And I need to know he’s really there.”
“Of course,” I say. “I think that’s a good idea. I’ll be here, doing party prep, and then I have to go into town to grab our costumes from the dry cleaner.
“We need to get you a car.”
“You have three,” I point out, a fact I learned upon our return. “I don’t need another car.”
“I have two. One is a classic Mustang Shelby, fully restored, a collector’s item.”
“A collector’s item? That’s a big collector’s item.”
He laughs. “Yes. It is. And I like it. We’ll debate a new car later.” He kisses me and heads off to shower, anxiety knotting my stomach as he leaves. I now know, in this moment, that one of the reasons I’ve been so at ease, despite being kidnapped, was that Brody was in rehab. Now he’s back. I grab another donut. It seems like the best way to deal with my nerves over his return.
The item I bought for the castle, in memory of Hunter, arrives shortly after I shower and dress in jeans and a T-shirt. Eager to place it in a very special spot to share with Jax after the party, and before his imminent return, I hurry to the castle. I spend the day at the castle helping Jill put up decorations while Savage and his men work on tightening up security. I’m in one of the rooms, being used as a very, not scary, haunted house, decorating when Jax pokes his head in. “Well?” I ask, pinning up a Monster Mash poster after hanging about a hundred fake spiders, all of which have funny faces on them. “He seems good. He said he just needed to go home on his own, to feel like he had his own two feet on the ground.”
“That’s good.” I frown. “But, you’re saying one thing and thinking another.” I turn to face him, my hands catching his waist. “What’s wrong?”
“He just doesn’t seem like the Brody I know. He’s more reserved, but maybe he was always high and drunk, and I just didn’t know it.”
“He got help,” I say, my hand settling on his chest, over his heart that bleeds for his one remaining brother. It’s his pain that tells me that I need to overcome my issues with Brody. “Is he coming to the party? We need to make him feel like he has family. That’s part of the healing process.”
“Are you sure about that, Em?” he asks, searching my face. “I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable.”
“I admit he makes me nervous, but I’ll get over it.Invite him.For the holidays as well.”
“I will. Thank you, baby. I’ll call him and check in with Savage then help you finish up.” He kisses me and disappears out of the room, but not before I see him reach for his phone. He’s anxious to invite Brody. I’m anxious, too, but not for the same reasons. It’s just that—well, Brody is coming to the party.
Halloween eve has arrived on a rather appropriately stormy night, in which Jax and I are dressed as Clark Kent and Super Girl. I have a cute costume with a red skirt. Jax is in a business shirt, open to show his Superman shirt, and dark glasses. Inspired, of course, by Clark Kent Billie, our attorney in San Francisco.
We arrive at the party with it already underway. Savage greets us in the foyer, dressed as a pirate, of course. “Aye you, wench,” he greets. “Watch it or I’ll have to tie you up.”
Jax arches a brow, and Jill joins us, dressed in a female pirate costume. “Bad joke,” Savage says. “I’ll tie Jill up.”