Page 93 of Naked Truth
“Right away,” she says, and with that, Savage opens the door, and we exit the castle.
A series of greetings from the staff follow, and it takes a full five minutes for Savage and me to reach the trail that leads to my private tower entrance. “Can you try not being such an ass to Jill, Savage?” I ask.
“I don’t trust her. I don’t like her. I have reason for that assessment we can cover. And for the record, my team already has the guest list from last year as well as the guest list for this weekend. The people Emma’s father investigated, declined, if that’s where your head is at.”
I stop walking and turn to face him. “We already knew that list led no place good, but what the hell was Emma’s father up to?”
“We’re already working on an answer to that question,” Savage says. “But it appears he was stripping your business. I’d guess to make you dependent on him.”
“To force my brother to sell,” I assume, and because I need a place to put the anger blasting through me, I turn and start walking.
Savage falls into step with me. “The question now is—did Emma’s brother pick up where her father left off?”
“Which is why I just set a trap he won’t be able to resist,” I say, as we cut left down another trail.
“A trap for a rat,” he says. “Tell me more.”
“After you tell me about that envelope.”
“It was empty,” he says and that has me stopping and looking at him. “Empty? What the hell?”
“Either someone wanted to fuck with you or someone took what was inside before you and Emma saw it. How many people know your cameras are down?”
“Then let’s keep it that way,” he says, settling his hands on his hips. “We can make it look like the wiring doesn’t work when it does. You’ll still be lights out to the naked eye, but we’ll have the cameras rolling.”
“If you can even get power to this tower.”
“You underestimate us if you think we can’t get power to the tower.”
“We’ll see,” I say.
“Yes. You will see,” he counters. “Now, are you going to tell me about the trap before or after we walk inside with Emma?”
A loud slamming rips through the air that sounds like my front door being forcibly shut. “Emma,” I say, and take off running with Savage by my side.
By the time we’re in my patio area again, the wind catches the cracked door, opens it and slams it shut. A knife might as well be slicing my heart open. Emma is in there. Emma could be hurt. Savage draws his weapon. “Stay here.”
“Not a chance in hell.”
He’s already kicking in the door and entering the tower. I’m right on his heels. “The elevator doesn’t work!” I call out, and he launches himself up the stairs. The next three minutes fade into slow motion. Savage heads to the bedroom, and I follow, certain that’s where I’ll find Emma, but she’s not there. Savage exits the bathroom and heads toward the rest of the house. I linger and search Emma’s suitcase and find her coat missing. She left. Fuck. She left, but was it by choice?
Remembering her comment about exploring is a small comfort with the front door standing open; I take off running, seeking out Savage. I find him in the living room. “She’s not here, and there are no signs of a struggle. Did you leave the patio doors open?”
“It was shut when I left. She could be outside exploring. Her coat’s missing. I’m going to look for her.”
He moves with me and speaks into his walkie-talkie. “I need eyes on Emma Knight now. Find her. Report. Confirm her safety. Now.”
Confirm her safety. Those words slice my heart all over again.
The castle trails are well covered with trees, bushes, flowers, and various sculptures. They’re also not as easy to navigate as they’d first seemed. Time ticks by with my attempts to get back to where I started, but my fears over someone else being here in the gardens with me fades slowly into the chilly wind. I’m letting the idea of murder gain traction and that traction is affecting my state of mind. Of course, I’m not alone. The property is swimming with staff and cameras. I’m probably being watched by a security person as I walk. I’m about ready to start calling for one of those staff members to guide me when I spy a row of flowers that looks familiar. I’m almost back to Jax’s tower. Eagerto just make it so, I all but run forward and cut right, gasping when I run smack into a hard body. Sucking in air, my gaze lifts, and I find myself looking into a man’s weathered and aged face, while ice-blue piercing eyes stare down at me. He’s also gripping my wrists.
“It’s you,” he says, accusation in his tone.