Page 53 of The Fae's Gamble
“Breathe,” Mara encouraged playfully. “You can’t go dying now that you know you’ve got a mate.”
“This can’t be happening.” Fern’s eyes were wide with shock. Mara pulled an iPhone out of her pocket and snapped a picture of Fern.
“It is, and I can’t wait to add this photo to the wedding slideshow.”
Fern sat up straighter, and her eyes narrowed. “Okay, hilarious. I’m having a moment over here, just trying to get used to this life-altering news.”
“Is it life-altering?” Mara gave her a small smile. “Or do a lot of things finally make sense?”
Fern was equally blown apart by the realization that…she wasn’t that shocked. It was startling, and it hadn’t been what she expected Mara to say, but it made sense.
Everything that I feel for Calum, that undeniable pull to him since the day we met, the way my bound, dormant magic only seems to come to the surface for him…it makes sense. Fern smiled until her whole body went cold, like a bucket of ice water was poured over her.
“But then, why did he reject me?” Fern’s voice went quiet again. “Does he not…want to be? Why not tell me?” Mara tossed an arm around Fern’s shoulders and shook her head.
“He probably thought that he had surprised you with enough information for a lifetime. Maybe he thought it would be better if you discovered it for yourself.”
Fern guffawed, “How would that be better than if it came straight from him?”
Mara shrugged. “I don’t know. He wants you. Trust me.”
“He doesn’t act like it.”
“There’s something you need to understand about Calum.” Mara’s voice dropped lower, and she looked almost nervous. “He has been a rock for the entire magical community for hundreds of years because he feels personally responsible for what happened.”
“That’s ridic—”
“I know,” Mara agreed, “but he does. It probably made him feel rejected or unworthy when you told him at the start of term that you didn’t want to help break the curse.”
“That’s not fair!” Fern’s face heated. “That was a lot of information and I had just arrived—”
“You were perfectly justified in your answer,” Mara cut her off again. “I’m only saying that’s probably how he feels. No matter what Emmett or I have tried to say to him over the years, he feels unworthy. And it’s lonely to be the leader.” She sipped her drink. “That never changes. He was an idiot to go about it in this way, but I promise you, he probably thought he was doing you a favor.”
“That’s idiotic.”
“It is,” Mara agreed easily. “I promise he was afraid to tell you and feel rejection again, especially from his mate. He likely didn’t want to surprise you with more information and make you feel cornered again.”
“I didn’t feel cornered when he revealed his identity to me.” Fern bristled slightly, but her anger was waning fast.
“Doesn’t matter.” Mara held up her hands. “This is officially a conversation that the two of you need to have. I’ve said enough. Now…” She reached into her purse and started fumbling for her wallet. “I’ll get the tab. Go to Calum, now.”
“O-okay.” Another rush of heat ran through her body. “Do you know where he is?”
“Probably with Emmett, also drinking.” Mara rolled her eyes playfully, and Fern nodded, turning to leave. “Wait!”
Fern looked back, and Mara was holding her messenger bag out. “Don’t forget this. And make sure that you give Emmett’s book back to him if you see him. That one in there is his favorite, and he’s probably grumpy that Calum took it.”
“Um, yes, okay.” Fern stumbled over the words, slightly confused. She grabbed the bag from Mara and nearly bolted out of the pub.
“Have fun! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Mara called out after Fern with a giggle, but Fern didn’t hear her. She now had a one-track mind.
Chapter Twenty
Fern had found Emmett in his office, but Calum was nowhere to be seen. Emmett, having just had a similar conversation with Calum, directed Fern towards Calum’s townhouse.
“You won’t need to knock,” Emmett had instructed her. “The wards around the house are weak, but they’re there. They’ll recognize your magic and let you in.”
Fern was halfway out the door and paused. “Calum’s wards will let in any magic user?” Emmett’s eyes softened as he popped another Walker’s biscuit in his mouth.