Page 39 of The Succubus's Song
“Oh my god,” Mara groaned, dropping her head in her hands, “I should’ve known better than to bring you two together.”
“Well, you did, so stop getting your panties in a twist.” Pippa pulled out a flask from somewhere on her person and spiked her coffee before taking another sip. “We need to make sure that your sister doesn’t cause any more havoc in the city—”
Mara froze as the door to the coffee shop opened. The breeze blew in, and with it, her sister’s undeniable scent. Mara's instincts were on high alert, and she jumped to her feet.
Pippa followed suit, both women flashing fang and claw as they stared at the open door and waited.
“Get behind me, Finley,” Mara commanded, her voice low, “and do not say a word. Stay seated. If you stand, your scent will be more obvious.”
Mara breathed a silent sigh of relief when Finley did exactly as she asked and didn’t question her. The seconds dragged on. Pippa issued a sharp command for the barista to hide, which they also followed without hesitation.
It’s pure luck there is no one else in here right now. Mara’s thoughts raced as she waited for Alice to appear. It put her on edge.
They heard Alice before they saw her. The subtle click, click, click of heels on pavement alerted them to her approaching presence. Soon, Alice appeared in the doorway to the coffee shop.
The very sight of her nearly pushed Mara into a frenzy of rage, especially as she watched a twisted, sadistic smile appear on Alice’s face.
Alice leaned against the doorframe of the coffee shop, wearing another one of her suits, putting all her weight on one foot as she crossed her ankles. She was the picture of repose and refinement as she postured in the doorway, tilting her head to the side as she sized them up.
“My, my, my,” Alice smiled, “I was wondering when you’d show up, Pippa.” Her voice was dripping in sarcasm. “I knew it wouldn’t be long until Mara called you in to clean up after me.”
“What can I say,” Pippa matched Alice’s twisted grin, “it was always my job to take out the trash as a kid.”
There was a sharp whistling sound that cut through the air, and a moment later, a knife was sticking out of the door frame next to Alice.
Pippa had once again conjured something from somewhere on her person, and while she was pleased, Mara didn’t want to know. The blade barely missed Alice’s face, and the handle wobbled from the impact.
“Nice shot,” Alice said without a trace of reaction, plucking it from the wood and pocketing it in her suit jacket. She took a step forward as if to say something and then stopped.
Mara tensed as she watched Alice sniff the air, clearly sensing something new that she hadn’t before.
“What’s this?” Alice cooed, slinking forward with delicate grace. Mara and Pippa both hissed, stepping closer to each other and blocking Alice’s pathway to Finley.
“Well, well, well…” Alice grinned, sounding utterly delighted. “What a nice surprise! Here I was, thinking that you would be trapped forever by your romantic ideations. But you have a new pet!”
“It’s none of your concern,” Mara hissed, stepping closer to Alice.
“Oh.” Alice’s eyes danced in delight. “He is covered in your scent.”
“Back off,” Pippa growled, poking Alice in the chest. Her talon dragged down the front of Alice’s suit and left a small rip in its wake.
“What do you want?” Mara’s lip curled as she fought the instinct to attack Alice outright. She couldn’t look at her sister without seeing her lover’s dying face. Every sense in her body was encouraging her to aim for the jugular and ask questions later.
“I thought that was obvious.” Alice shrugged, flicking Pippa’s finger off her. “I was curious after my little message to you last night if you’d finally seen sense and were willing to speak to Calum on our behalf.”
“I don’t see how dumping bloody bodies in the middle of his library is supposed to get on his good side.”
“I’m not worried about getting on his good side,” Alice sneered. “You know the other fae are so goddamn high and mighty. I don’t give an arse if I have Calum’s respect. We just need his attention.”
“You’ll have neither!” Mara growled.
“Is that a threat or a promise, sweet sister?” Alice cooed, her voice taking on a sickly-sweet tone again. Mara bristled at the sound of it, and she saw Pippa’s fingers twitching—likely for a knife.
“Whatever you want it to be.” Mara’s tone matched her sister’s as she stepped towards her, until they were nearly face to face.
Alice broke first, peering behind Mara to Finley, who had been obeying Mara’s orders and hardly moving a muscle throughout the entire confrontation.
“I’m still not over the fact that you’ve got a friend,” Alice surveyed Finley, and Mara’s skin prickled.