Page 47 of Cold-Hearted King
The strange moment of quiet settling between us was unnerving. “You were a handsome boy.”
“Boy. That’s exactly what I was at the time, although I certainly thought otherwise. The choices I made then were ridiculous. But we can’t undo what happened so long ago.”
I glanced into his eyes, noticing the change in his demeanor as he studied the photographs. “I don’t know. I’m a firm believer that we can start over. At least that’s what I’ve tried to convince myself of.”
“Is that what you’re doing, starting over?”
His question alone was enough to make me bristle. “We’re not friends, Sebastian. We come from different worlds. You don’t know me and I don’t know you and in truth, what we shared can’t happen again.” As much as a part of me wanted it to, I couldn’t tell him that. And I couldn’t dare allow myself to get close to him.
“In other words, stay out of your life.”
“You’re going to leave one way or the other whether you keep or sell the ranch. Your life isn’t here. Keeping you at arm’s distance is the way it has to be. And for the record, I don’t want whatever your grandfather left me. You’re his family. Whatever it is belongs to you. I’m not saying that out of spite either. That’s the truth.”
“No, I want you to accept it.”
There was such electricity shared between us that I found it difficult to breathe. He seemed more powerful than he had before, but I couldn’t be lured into another moment of passion. If I did, I might never swim up from the depths of despair that being close to someone could bring. No, I had to stay strong for Britta.
And for myself.
“I don’t take handouts, Sebastian. It’s just who I am. I don’t mind working hard for everything.” I felt the corner of my mouth twitch, which it did when I was nervous. I hated myself for it, the weakness it highlighted.
Obviously frustrated with my response, he shook his head. The slight tic of his jaw was his next response. I seemed to have that effect on a lot of people, which didn’t bother me in the least.
“Have it your way but it’s there for you if you reconsider. Now, come on. Why don’t we head out? I know your time is limited.”
When he backed away, I was able to get a good look at him and the clothes he’d changed into. The jeans were well worn, especially at the knees. Although it seemed that every pair of trousers or jeans he wore suited his perfectly carved butt. I dragged my tongue across my lower lip in appreciation.
He noticed my look and grinned, which only added to the crazy tingling of hunger that refused to leave. “Better?”
When he spun around in a full circle, even striking a pose as if he was modeling, I had to press my hand against my mouth to keep from giggling uncontrollably.
“Um. Much. You won’t scare the horses off now.” At least he could make me laugh. It felt good to be able to do so.
He grinned, the facial expression allowing me to catch another glimpse of his dimple. Damn, the man was hot. When I didn’t respond, he motioned to the door. “Time’s a-wasting, Big Red.”
By the time I opened the door, he was directly behind me, which allowed another tremor of desire to shift through me. I took long strides off the porch, immediately heading to the truck and opening the door. As I climbed inside, I could feel his heated gaze watching me. Did he expect I’d allow him to open the door for me? This wasn’t a date.
This was all about my future, or maybe the lack thereof.
As he jumped inside, I couldn’t help myself, slowly sliding my gaze to his muscular legs, the denim stretching tightly over the thick bulge between them. Oh, lord. The man was aroused at a time like this? Maybe he was nothing but a playboy.
“Where am I going?” he asked after starting the engine.
“Back to the main barn.”
“Sounds good.” He took off, revving his engine before rolling down the road at a higher rate of speed than he should be going. There was something unique about the man including his verve for life. He certainly wasn’t like the cowboys who lived in town, their attitudes more carefree. This man oozed power and dominance, something I’d grown to hate over the years.
“So do you have six cars and a huge yacht?”
He laughed as he yanked out his sunglasses, taking the time to slide them onto his face before bothering to answer me. “What if I told you I did.”
“Then I’d say you’re right and I pegged you from the get-go. You’re one of those kinds of men, rich and successful, who enjoys lording it over everyone else.”
After shifting gears, he leaned over, his intense masculine scent adding another layer of tingling sensations. His aftershave was unusual, as if he’d added hints of tangerine and key lime to exotic spices along with his heady dose of testosterone. I closed my eyes, trying not to make any sounds as I breathed in deeply. The last thing I wanted was for him to realize how aroused I’d become.
“Be careful, Big Red. Your infatuation with me is showing as well as something else.”
I opened one eye, glancing down at my shirt. Oops. He was right. My nipples were poking through the thin material of my shirt. I had to fight with myself and natural defenses against arrogant assholes not to cross my arms over my chest. Another rush of warmth crawled up both cheeks, the excessive heat he exuded driving me crazy.