Page 51 of Cold-Hearted King
“That’s not what I said.”
The way he threw me a quick glance was as if I’d read his intentions correctly. “We should get going if you want to see the rest of the ranch.”
“I know you don’t want to know me, but can I ask you a personal question?”
“Why am I such a bitch?”
Sebastian turned toward me, crowding my space. “You’re not a bitch, Jessie. Sure, you act tough, pretending that the whole world is out to get you but?—”
“In truth, I do think the whole world is out to get me,” I interrupted.
“My father is an asshole, but he once told me something that I do believe in. Life is what you make it and having a chip on your shoulder is only going to get in the way of your success. Sadly, you don’t have a chip. You have a boulder.”
“Trust me, city slicker. I have good reasons why. Your grandfather used to tease me saying I was one of the walking wounded. Maybe that’s all I’ll ever be.”
He shook his head. “I don’t buy that for a minute. From what I’ve seen, you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. We all have our crosses to bear.”
Another awkward moment of silence drifted between us. He was right in that what I was going through was minimal in comparison to so many others in the world. “I’m sorry, Sebastian. It’s been a very tough week and I’m floating on empty. What question did you want to ask?”
“You don’t need to keep saying you’re sorry. You mentioned medicine for your daughter. Do you mind telling me what that is? I hope it’s nothing serious.”
Sighing, I thought about how many times I’d been to the hospital emergency room with her over the years, the angst for not being able to take away her pain debilitating. “She has severe asthma, which the doctors hope she’ll grow out of at some point, but she needs her rescue inhalers, which can be expensive. When the attack is severe enough, that means a trip to the emergency room. The doctors want her on oral steroids, but I’ve been hesitant. I thought the dry weather would help but she seems to be getting worse.”
“I’m so sorry. Aren’t there programs that can help?”
“Some but I’ve exhausted them. I’m not the only person with a sick kid. You know? We do our best but right now, I’m scrimping by.”
“You need a place to live.”
I turned toward him, still shocked at my body’s response, the overwhelming need so foreign to me that I found it difficult to breathe around him. “Yes. I’m not going to lie but the ranch belongs to you now. I’m no fool. I certainly didn’t think I’d be able to stay at the ranch forever. I just… It was just a gift that maybe I took for granted.”
“I don’t think so. In fact, I have a feeling Gramps really appreciated the care and attention you paid to the horses. You are good with them. There is no doubt about that.”
“This ride isn’t a real good representation.”
“I have an instinct about these things.” He inched closer and my mind drifted into a foggy blur. “That’s why I make the big bucks.”
He could make me laugh.
“Animals are not only smart, they’re also far too forgiving. It’s amazing that they can often be abused beyond belief, but they find a way to love again.”
“Is that what happened to you?” he asked, crowding my space even more.
“Don’t, Sebastian. I can’t allow anyone to get close to me. Britta is far too important. Her needs are the only thing that matters.” I looked down at the water, the heat the man resonated far too explosive.
“What about your needs?” He eased a finger under my chin, lifting it gently. “You can’t take care of her unless you take care of yourself.”
I pressed my hand against his chest, the longing for him intensifying. “I’m doing just fine.”
“Are you certain of that?” He lowered his head, allowing me a chance to push him away.
“Sebastian. I…”
He wasn’t taking no for an answer, capturing my mouth as he’d done the night before. Only this time, it tasted even sweeter, my body reacting in a way that I couldn’t explain. There was something powerful about his touch, the way he made me feel, so alive and so full of breathtaking need that my mind was spinning.
The kiss was amazing, so sensual that I could enjoy doing this for hours. He took his time, using his lips to open mine before sliding his tongue inside. He’d been so dominating the night before, taking what he’d wanted without reservation. Now it seemed he was enjoying every moment of exploring my mouth, but I had to remind myself that this was nothing more than a blip in time and not real life.
Yet when he wrapped one arm around me, pulling me onto my toes, crushing me against his chest, I was lightheaded, wanting more.