Page 99 of Cold-Hearted King
I threw her a look, the angst in my heart more pronounced than I thought it would be. It had been almost a week since they’d left, and the ache had only gotten worse. While their return to Miami was understandable, I’d been crazy enough to think my rugged city slicker and I could have a future. I’d refused to cry. Besides, I should be happy he wasn’t selling the ranch, leaving me to develop the wedding venue.
“Ma’am. If I may say something,” George said.
“Of course, George. And don’t call me ma’am. Just Jessie.”
He grinned. “Okay, Jessie. That man loves you. You should have seen him risking his life running into that fire to save you and Thunder.”
“Then why isn’t he here?” Megan demanded.
“Stop, bestie. It has to be this way. Besides, look at all he’s done for me and the other employees.”
“He’s a good man, Jessie. Give him some time,” George said, tipping his hat to both of us before walking off.
He’d told me he would be happy to walk through fire for me and he’d done it. I couldn’t fault him for needing to return to his life.
“I just can’t believe he’d do something like that. I should have given him a piece of my mind.”
I turned toward Megan, giving her a stern look. “Are you going to help me with this wedding or what? I still have a lot to do.”
“Of course I’m going to help you. Who else is there around this damn place?”
Laughing, I headed toward the bar that had already been set up, happy with the results. “I have plenty of help and leeway to hire more. I am a millionaire now, you know, all thanks to the man you’re choosing to hate.”
“I don’t hate him. I just… I hate it for you.”
“And you miss Jackson. I can tell.”
“Fine. I do, but so the fuck what?”
All I could do was laugh, even if the sound was bitter. “God, I hope the bride drops the contract off later today. I don’t like starting out without having a signed one in my hand.” I made the statement more in passing, doing everything I could not to think about the man I’d fallen hopelessly in love with.
Who was I kidding? It was all I could think about, other than my beautiful baby girl who now had all the medication she needed, and new toys to keep her occupied. However, she hadn’t stopped asking about Sebastian. That had been the one thing I’d been afraid of.
“She will. At least the folks around here you can count on.”
Now I burst into laughter. “You mean some of them.” Hank and Luis’ arrest had been big news in town, the two stations reporting on it constantly. The fact we were sitting on black gold also weighed heavily on my mind. Sebastian still could determine selling the place was in his best interest. It felt as if I was living on borrowed time and I hated it.
“Okay, fine. I just wish things were different,” Megan said wistfully.
“I know you do. Me too.” I checked off items from my list, happy with the way everything was looking.
“What’s next?” Megan asked.
George popped his head into the bar, looking sheepish. “Jessie. There’s a guy here about the contract. There seems to be an issue with the upcoming wedding.”
“Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “I’ll be right there.” This was the last thing I needed. “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t let anyone else walk all over you,” she advised.
I shook my head, trying not to be angry at the entire situation. As I headed for the door, I was grateful this barn hadn’t been torched like the other and that Thunder hadn’t been injured in the process of saving our lives.
As I popped outside, I noticed a Dodge Ram sitting a few feet away. George motioned toward it and I wiped my hands on my jeans. I wasn’t the world’s best negotiator, but the contract had been fair.
When I got close to the truck, I noticed new plates. The truck had been bought that day. Now I bristled. If the people thought they were going to convince me to lower the price, then arrive in a sixty-thousand-dollar vehicle, they were sorely wrong. I could see the man standing in the distance, his back turned to me.
“I understand there’s an issue with the contract,” I said as I rounded the front of the truck.
When the man turned around, I slapped my hand over my mouth.