Page 10 of Crossing the Line
A sobering but familiar force.
And he’s basically willing to escort me to Florida.
Biting down on my lip, I stare after him as he walks away with his jacket slung over his shoulder and try to figure out what to do—because he isn’t looking back. The hourglass in the back of my mind runs low on sand, and I let out a sharp breath.
Damn it.
He stops and turns but doesn’t advance toward me. I end up jogging to catch up with him, and I feel pathetic by the time I reach him, my out-of-shape lungs struggling to breathe.
I catch my breath.
But I can’t think of anything to say.
And he’s staring at me.
Those blue eyes are staring at me, and I’m too busy trying to decipher what’s behind them to say something coherent.
Eventually, I manage to speak, but I suddenly feel embarrassed. “So, you said you want to go to Florida?”
He stares at me with an unreadable expression. “I’m pretty sure I’ve never said those words in my life.”
Yup. He’s rude. I don’t want him to know that I’m affected by his overall demeanor, but my face falls anyway. “But I thought...”
“Shit, Claire, don’t give me that look.” He practically groans. “What happened to needing to do this on your own?”
I really don’t understand him. “What look?” I ask, but then I shake my head and add, “Well, we can ride the train together, but once we get there, I need to go my own way.”
“Ouch.” He rubs his palm over his chest like I’ve just punched him.
“I didn’t mean—well, I just meant that—”
“I’m fucking with you, Claire.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and gives me a casual shrug. “Train ride and nothing more. Got it.”
I hold out my hand and can’t help beaming because I’m doing this. Well, I guess we’re doing this. “It’s a deal, then.”
He stares down at my outstretched hand for a moment, but then lets out a breath of laughter and wraps his fingers around mine for a single shake.
“I’m still not getting in your car, though.” I pull out my phone again but manage to catch the roll of his eyes as I do. After everything is set, I look up and smile. “Our Uber will be here in six minutes.”
It all suddenly feels real. I’m going to get on a train with Aiden Lewis. I’m going to Florida. Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “Why are you doing this?”
He doesn’t look at me as he answers, his eyes fixed on the street, watching for our car. “I have no fucking idea.”
Why am I doing this? I won’t lie, I’m starting to doubt my choices tonight. There’s a good chance Claire might have backed out and stayed in New York without my interfering.
Then I wouldn’t have to go to fucking Florida.
Right now.
With Claire Ackerman.
She’s practically a stranger to me, an enigma of my past. I can’t explain why the thought of her, in her hiking boots and flowery dress, sitting on a train alone surrounded by creeps made me do this. It kind of pisses me off. I’ve gone the past year not caring, and life has been grand.