Page 17 of In The Shadows
“Nothing. Don’t worry. I’ll do it myself!” I spit, spraying saliva everywhere.
“Suit yourself, ingrate.” the voice huffed back.
Scoffing, I turn my back to the sound of the echo. I begin walking forwards. Backwards? Who knows? You can never tell which way you are going inside my mind.
I think of Calliope and how much I need to find and save her. There is not much I can do in this dreamland, though.
My eyes flutter, and I open them slowly. The faster I get out of these woods and find some help for my wrist, the faster I can get to Calliope. I groan as I push myself off the ground with my good arm, careful not to hit my hurt wrist on anything else, and look around. Right, let’s carry on, then. I turn from the entrance to the clearing I previously came through and head in the opposite direction.
I don’t know where to go, but anywhere is better than here.
Ineed to find a fucking job. I am so done with being treated like shit on the bottom of my foster family’s shoes. I shake my head angrily as I brush my hair before my vanity. It’s 8 am. I’m already dressed, as I got up super early to avoid everybody else in this hellhole. They usually sleep until 9 am anyway, so I hope nobody gets up earlier.
I place my brush on the table, walk over to my shoes, grab a random pair, and put them on. I’m not even bothered by what shoes I have today. I just need to get the fuck out of here. I need to head into town; maybe a shop there will have an opening for me. That is the only way I can escape from this hell.
I sigh, grab my bag off my bed, and head towards my bedroom door. I pause before opening it, listening to ensure nobody is awake. Silent. I turn the knob slowly, trying not to make my door squeak, when I hear a board creak outside my room. I freeze with my hand still on the doorknob. Shit. There’s someone there.
I pull my door open a crack and peep through it to see. I hear another door squeak open and hold my breath. It’s the door directly opposite to mine. Christopher’s room. Shit. Hopefully, he is just going to the bathroom.
A few minutes pass, and I hear a door shut again. I let out my breath and opened the door more to look down the hall. Okay, the coast should be clear. I don’t see anyone in the hallway any more. I quickly walk out of the door and ease it shut behind me, making sure to be gentle with the door so that it doesn’t make a sound. When I turn around to walk, I slam into something, dropping my bag to the floor. I let out a gasp. Christopher.
“Fuck! Christopher, you scared me!” I say, putting my hand to my throat.
He quickly places a finger on my lips.
“Shh, You’re going to wake up Mum and Dad,” he whispers.
I grab his finger and pull it away from my face.
“They’re your parents, Christopher, not fucking mine.” I sneer.
Christopher looks me up and down. Ew. Fucking creep. I pick my bag up from the floor and try to walk past him, but he shuffles on his feet to try and block my path.
“Where are you going at 8 am?” He grabs my arm.
“Where I go and what I do is none of your business, Christopher,” I say through gritted teeth. I pull my arm from his grip. “Let me go.”
He holds up his hands in defeat. Whatever you say, Callie, just don’t get caught this time. I’m not covering for you any more,” he says solemnly. I’ll see you later.” He retreats to his room.
What the fuck was that about? Covering for me? What did he have to cover me for before? I sigh once his door shuts, and I head to the top of the stairs. I need to ensure I don’t step on the fourth step this time so it doesn’t give me away like last time. I make it down to the bottom and out the front door. Success!
Now, all I have to do is head into town and find a job—any job will do. I need to save enough to escape them. I’m leaving forever once I have saved enough, and they won’t ever have to deal with me again.
As I walk down the street, it is eerily quiet. It’s a Friday. It would be slightly rowdier than this. The air is chilly and crisp. I love January. It’s the perfect time of the year. Not too hot and not too cold.
Carrying on down the road, I see someone on the opposite side with a little Yorkshire terrier. I would love a dog, but I was never allowed any pets. I watch the older adult struggle to bend down and pick up the excrement the terrier left on the sidewalk.
I could go over there and help her. No. I’m sure she can manage just fine. I give her a warm smile and wave as she looks up at me. Then, I turn and continue down the road. Before long, I reach the edge of town. The flower shop turns on its open sign. I watch as the florist starts putting fresh flowers in the pots outside. I love flowers. Something about them, especially sunflowers, makes me feel warm and safe.
To me, sunflowers are the most potent flowers. Even when the sun is not shining for them to face, they band together, facing each other, and stand tall and proud. It just shows having people in your corner is always a good thing. It’s too bad I have no one in my corner.
Once the florist finishes filling the pots, she pulls the canopy down over them and walks back inside. She waves at me before closing her door.
I walk past the butchers, the bank, and the rest of the people walking their various animals or walking down the street with their families. What would it have been like if my parents were still alive during my childhood? Did we walk hand in hand down the street like the family ahead of me? Did we have a pet to walk on a leash? Memories of my childhood are gone, aside from bits and pieces. That is what hurts the most.
My favourite coffee shop comes into view, and a bubble of happiness forms in my chest. I love this place. It makes me feel warm and cosy. I could use a coffee.