Page 22 of In The Shadows
Suddenly, I’m spinning in the air as the vehicle makes contact with the side of my body. I land on my back in the grass, looking up at the sky, and everywhere hurts. What the actual fuck?
“Holy shit! Are you okay, sir? You just came out of nowhere; I didn’t even see you! I swerved right at the last second, but I still hit you. I’m so sorry!” says a voice somewhere near me.
I try to turn my head to the side to find where the voice is coming from, but I can’t move. Everything hurts so bad.
I groan and rub my head with my hand. Let’s get up, Alyx, I’m sure we are okay. I open my eyes and see a man kneeling down next to me. He is wearing a red baseball hat, blue waistcoat, black jumper, and blue jeans matched with suede boots. Okay. It’s slightly different attire than I’m used to seeing. As we make eye contact, he speaks again.
“Are you okay, sir? Come on, we need to get you to a hospital.” The man says, trying to lift me from the ground.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Nothing is broken.” I wave him off with my bad wrist and groan. “Apart from my wrist from earlier,” I add.
“Well, I would feel much better if you would allow me to take you to a hospital, sir. I wouldn’t feel right leaving you here.” He holds his hand for me to take it, and I lift myself off the ground.
I put my hand in front of my face to block the sun from blinding me and get a good look at the gentleman who hit me with his vehicle. It looks like a car, but cars don’t go that fucking fast. “What did you say your name was again?” I ask.
“I haven’t yet. But my name is Dave.” He holds out his hand to shake mine. “Nice to meet you.” I shake his hand and nod.
I brush the dirt and dust off my clothes, and he continues talking.
“What happened to you? You look like shit. A right fucking state.” Dave chuckles.
I let out a breath. “I don’t want to talk about it. By the way, my name is Alyx.” I nod my head. “Also, what is that contraption you just came out of?” I point at the bizarre-looking vehicle he has driven up in.
Dave looks at where I am pointing and then back at me.
“Alyx, are you sure you didn’t hit your head? That’s a truck—a vehicle—a mode of transportation. Are you okay?” Dave says sympathetically.
“Since when do they look like that?” I ask him, confused.
“I think we need to take you to hospital. You don’t look great.” He puts an arm around my shoulder and escorts me to his truck, as he calls it. This isn’t any truck that I have ever seen.
I stare at the truck’s door in confusion. How do I get inside this thing? Should I just sit in the back? Dave grabs the door handle and pulls it open—it takes some force. Oh.
He helps me into the seat and straps something around me. I push his hand away quickly, and he puts his hands before him.
“I’m just putting your seatbelt on. It’s for your safety, and it’s also the law,” Dave says calmly. He clicks the belt in place and stands back from the truck.
Okay, we don’t need to panic, nor do we want to. Fucking idiot Alyx, get it together! Dave shuts the door, walks around the truck’s other side, and opens the door. He pulls himself into his seat and puts his seatbelt on. Okay, at least we are both trapped here.
He turns toward me and smiles. “Are you ready?”
Ready for what? He turns the key in the ignition, and the truck roars to life. The noise is so loud I almost jump out of my seat in fright. I snap my gaze to Dave’s, and he laughs. “It’s just a truck, Alyx. Don’t worry.” I nod and tighten my death grip on the seatbelt that is secure across my chest.
He presses a pedal on the floor, and the truck lurches forwards, pinning me to my seat. By the time we go, I feel like we are going so fast we could fly. Just a truck, my ass. I turn my thoughts to where we are going, which I presume is the hospital. My body is fine from being hit by this contraption, but I want this wrist looked at. This thing has caused nothing but fucking problems. The truck’s vibration and the day’s exertion start to pull me into sleep, and my eyes feel heavy.
I close my eyes to nap but am woken up moments later by Dave slamming his driver’s door. I watch him walk around the front of his truck and to my side, opening the door.
“We’re here, Alyx.” When I look at him with confusion, he adds, “The hospital,” he leans over me and unclips my seatbelt.
He helps me out of the truck and towards the entrance to the hospital. There are multiple floors and windows as far as the eye can see. The sun shines on the windows and causes various reflections of light to spring in every direction. Flower beds are lined up along the path leading up to the front door. It’s beautiful.
What is this place? Is it the hospital? Dave opened the door to the hospital and helped me inside. We enter a room filled with rows of chairs, bright lights, people sitting on chairs, coughing and sneezing, and a desk at the front with a sign that reads Reception.
“Nurse! I need some help here!” Dave yells into the room.
A nurse who looks like she’s in her forties approaches us. She wears a blue top that comes down to just above her thigh. It has two front pockets. One has a pen sticking out of it, and the other has a pair of gloves. Clasped to the pocket on her chest, a watch hangs. That attire is really strange; I’ve never seen anything like it before. She finally approaches us and asks what has happened. I’ll let Dave handle this.
“I found him in the middle of the highway; I hit him with my truck. It was an accident, of course! He appeared out of nowhere; he was disorientated and confused and didn’t know where he was. He has a pretty badly broken wrist, too. I’m not sure if he hit his head when I knocked him over, either. He may have a concussion.” Dave says apologetically.