Page 28 of In The Shadows
I push myself to a sitting position on the bed with my good arm and point my finger at Doctor Maddox. “You ask a lot of questions for a doctor. Aren’t you supposed to be the one with all the answers? I came here to check my wrist and be on my way. Not be given the third degree on why I’m not in whatever system you speak of.” I yank the covers off of me and swing my legs over the side of the bed.
“Alyx, please calm down, or we must sedate you.” Doctor Thomas says calmly, taking a step towards me.
“I don’t care about your sedation, whatever the hell that is. I’m leaving this place, and there is nothing you can fucking do about it!” I shout, angrily pulling at my cast.
“Nurse! Get the gas sedation, please! Quickly!” Doctor Thomas shouts over her shoulder as she closes the distance between us.
Both she and Doctor Maddox grab me by the shoulders and pin me to the bed. My body begins to flail on instinct, trying to escape their grasp. “No! I don’t want to be held down! Let me go!” Two more nurses came in to help assist in holding down my legs. A metal tank with a mask attached to it is handed over to Doctor Thomas during the madness, and she attempts to place it on my face.
“Alyx, please, I need you to breathe deeply into this mask. It will make you feel so much better,” she says, struggling to place the mask on my face.
I toss my head from left to right in an attempt to keep the mask from suctioning my face. I don’t know what it does, but I know what sedation means, and I don’t want to be put back under The Demon’s hold. “No!” I flail my body hard, one last time, and I buck one of the nurses from my legs, almost freeing myself.
Doctor Thomas climbs onto the bed and straddles my chest, forcing her body weight onto me and pinning me to the bed.
The mask is shoved onto me, causing me to take in a deep gasp of air. Everything slows down. My breathing slows, heartbeat slows. The room begins to fade away… so far away… What is happening to me?
The last thing I hear is Doctor Thomas asking the nurses to secure me to the bed with the straps and transport me to the psych ward.
What is a psych ward?
My eyes flutter open, and I’m blinded by bright lights above me. Where am I? I try to shield my eyes with my arm, but something stops me from lifting it off the bed. What the hell?
As my eyes adjust to the light, I see things more clearly. My legs and upper body have been bound to the bed I am lying on with straps. Why am I bound? I inhale a deep breath and pull my arms upwards, and the bindings snap off like it’s nothing. They must not have been done up correctly. I repeat the process for my legs.
Once I’m free, I sit up and slip out of bed. Looking around the room, I notice the walls are padded from floor to ceiling with white fluffy cushions. Walking closer to the wall, I see what looks like scratch marks. Did someone try to claw their way out of here? There is nothing in the room. It is a void filled with emptiness and a bed precisely like my mind’s prison and throne.
I rush to the only sense of freedom I can see in this place: a door with a small window and a latch. I slam my body against it and press my face against the glass, trying to look through. The hallway in front of the room I’m in is empty. I need to get someone’s attention. I wonder if I pretend my wrist is bleeding if they will help me. No, they are too bright for that. I’m going to have to make this believable.
I push the cast down my arm until I see the first stitch. I pull it out and watch as blood starts to trickle down my arm. That should do it. I bang on the door with my good hand and start shouting.
“Hey! Someone help me! My wrist is bleeding underneath my cast!”
I hear a whistle blow on the other side of the door as a nurse approaches it. Now is my chance. The nurse slides the door to the window open and looks in.
“Let’s see your arm then, Alyx.” he sneers at me.
I huff and raise my arm to show him, and sure enough, the once trickle of blood is now gushing out my arm. Oh, shit.
“We’re going to need some help here!” he shouts as he closes the hatch and unlocks the door. I push my body against the far back wall, giving enough space between me and the door.
Okay. Get ready, Alyx. You only have one shot at this. Do it right.
The door swings open, and he starts walking towards me without closing the door behind him.
I hold my wrist close to my body, hiding it from his view. He holds out his arm to me. “Let me see it, Alyx. I need to see how bad it is.”
I smile at him. “Of course.” I hold my wrist in his direction.
My good hand forms a fist with each step he takes towards me, waiting for the right time to strike. Just a couple more steps. He reaches out and grabs my wrist, and I swing with my good arm, hitting him in the side of the jaw. He staggers backwards, clutching his cheek.
“What the fuck, Alyx!” he yells, trying to run for the open door.
“Sorry, man, I need to get out of here!” I swing at him again.
This time, when I make contact, he stumbles backwards enough, his head hits the door, and he falls to the ground in a slump. Shit, did I kill him? I watch as his chest rises and falls in shallow breaths. Just knocked out. Okay, good.