Page 10 of Rebuilding Rebecca
Rebecca took a tentative sip of her meticulously crafted hot drink, and Dante watched her closely. Her face transformed, her expression shifting from curiosity to one of utter delight. As the rich flavors danced on her palate, a blissful moan escaped her lips, and her eyes sparkled with the joy of discovery.
Her expressive face made him wonder how she would look in the throes of passion. The flesh beneath his sweatpants instantly hardened, and he shifted into a more comfortable position. Sex wasn’t on the table, and probably wouldn’t be. Dante let out a slow breath and willed his body to relax.
Setting down the now-empty mug, Rebecca offered Dante a tentative smile, her eyes reflecting her appreciation. “That was delicious.”
Dante acknowledged her words with a nod, his voice gentle yet firm. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees. He maintained eye contact, searching for her willingness to address the morning’s events. “Are you ready to discuss what happened this morning?”
Rebecca’s gaze fell to her plate, and she absentmindedly pushed some lingering crumbs around. Her body language revealed uncertainty and vulnerability as did her voice as she hesitated to respond. “I... guess.”
It was time for a lesson in their unique dynamics. He offered a subtle correction, keeping his tone low and commanding. “The correct answer is ‘Yes, Sir’.”
Her head snapped up, surprise and confusion etched on her features. “I’m sorry?”
He could sense her unease, and it weighed heavily on him. “Rebecca,” he began, his voice softening with understanding, “what do you remember from what Nurse Valerie told you about the Ranch?”
Her forehead creased in thought as she tried to recall. “Not much,” she admitted with a hint of frustration. “I was pretty woozy.”
“Would you like me to explain it again?” His tone was mild and his features relaxed.
Rebecca cocked her head and studied him. He didn’t seem angry nor annoyed with her. His offer to clarify genuine.
“Yes, please.” She nodded.
One eyebrow slid up his forehead, expectingly.
Oh, blast!
“Yes, please, Sir.”
His mouth relaxed into a smile. “Good girl.”
Now, why does that make me feel good?
Unaware of the question bouncing around in her mind, Dante started, “Rawhide Ranch has a long history and a noble purpose. Master Derek, who owns this place, is dedicated to helping and guiding submissives and Littles to find their way in life.” As Dante spoke, his voice took on a soft and reassuring tone. “Do you know what submissives and Littles are?”
“I know the first but I…” she trailed off, remembering the Nursery behind the door with caterpillars. “Are Littles grown-ups who act like babies?”
“Not always babies, but yes, Littles are the ones who explore their inner child.” Dante leaned forward slightly, his tone gentle and measured as he began to explain the concept of Bigs and Littles to Rebecca. “A ‘Big’,” Dante continued, “is someone who takes on a nurturing and guiding role, offering support and care to their ‘Little’. It’s a relationship built on trust and understanding, where the Big helps the Little explore and grow in various aspects of life.”
Rebecca’s eyes widened as she absorbed the explanation, her apprehension slowly giving way to curiosity.
“As for a ‘Little’,” Dante continued, “it’s someone who may need guidance, care, or mentorship in certain areas of life. It’s a role where vulnerability is cherished, and the Little can learn and develop with the help of their Big.”
Rebecca nodded thoughtfully, starting to grasp the concept.
Dante concluded, “These relationships are consensual and respectful, and they’re about mutual support and growth. It’s a way for our community to come together and help each other navigate life’s challenges.”
Rebecca listened intently. She watched his expressive gestures, his hands moving gracefully to emphasize his words.
“As for submissives,” Dante’s eyes glinted with a genuine warmth as he continued, “here at the Ranch, they offer education on multiple fronts. There’s the academic side of things, where you can pursue your studies and grow intellectually. And then, there’s a lifestyle-focused aspect that helps you understand and explore who you are as a person.”
Rebecca’s mind whirled with questions and possibilities. Could this be her chance to escape the hardships she had faced? She longed for something more, something better for herself.
“Submission, in the context of our community, is a voluntary choice that some individuals make. It’s about entrusting someone with your well-being, both physically and emotionally, and allowing them to take the lead in certain aspects of your life.”