Page 19 of Rebuilding Rebecca
As Dante tucked his last pair of socks into the suitcase, his mind drifted to Rebecca. The girl had a knack for stumbling into his thoughts uninvited. She was nothing like Leonora, whose grace was only skin deep. Rebecca had layers, rough edges yet to be polished, and a core of genuine submissiveness that Leonora could never fake. He really was growing fond of the adorable stowaway.
His train of thought was interrupted by the chime of the landline on the small desk. The desk was where Rebecca wrote her essay just a few days ago. He picked up the phone.
“Good morning, Dante, are you busy?” Derek’s confident baritone resonated over the line once Dante answered.
“Not really, just packing and... contemplating,” Dante admitted, his words trailing off.
“In that case, please come to my office.”
Dante hung up and made his way to the office, his steps rhythmic against the wooden floor. As he approached the lobby, his pace slowed. There she was. Rebecca was stationed at the front desk, casting a spell of warmth over the guests. An older woman chatted with her, holding hands with an even older man who was dressed in overall shorts with a pacifier in his mouth. Although it was a sight, Rebecca handled the couple with a charm that was natural and unforced.
He paused, leaning against the doorway, watching her. Her eyes sparkled as she engaged with the guests, her laughter creating ripples in the morning calm. The sight brought a smile to Dante’s face. It was a simple, unguarded moment that showcased Rebecca’s adaptability.
She pulled at him like a moth to a flame. With a reluctant sigh, Dante pulled himself away from the scene and continued to Derek’s office.
As Dante traversed the corridor, the scene from a few days ago surfaced in his mind. The wooden bench was now empty, and he remembered Rebecca slumped, her eyes carrying the weight of the world, an aura of self-conscious defeat wrapped around her. It was a stark contrast to the confident woman he had witnessed in the lobby moments ago. She had been a silhouette of vulnerability on this bench, but now she was a beacon of warmth and charm. The resilience she displayed, from the cocoon of self-doubt to the butterfly engaging guests with ease and laughter, was remarkable.
He reached Derek’s office and knocked, the sharp sound echoing his own anticipations. The call to enter came with a rich timbre that resonated with the essence of control that Derek carried with him. Dante stepped in. The room vibrated with a dominant aura as Derek looked up from his computer and their eyes locked.
“Ah, thank you for responding so quickly,” Derek commented with a slight smile as he gestured for Dante to sit across from his desk. With a few keystrokes, his monitor turned into a screensaver image.
“My pleasure, Derek. It’s good to see you,” Dante responded, his voice steady despite the swirl of thoughts circling within. “However, I admit I’m curious why you summoned me.”
Derek steepled his hands in front of him and studied Dante. The man was a seasoned Dominant, and Dante respected his command and presence. He endured the silent scrutiny and remained very still.
“Do you have plans with Rebecca?” Derek inquired, scanning Dante’s face, shoulders, and hands.
Dante barked a laugh. “Let’s not waste time on chit-chat, right?”
Derek smirked. “I’m not one for small talk really.”
Dante cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. “I guess that’s right.” He straightened. “Me neither.” He sighed. “I haven’t discussed it with her yet, but I’m planning on asking her to go home with me. She has adapted remarkably, and I’ve grown quite fond of her,” Dante added, a hint of pride in his voice.
Derek’s eyes sparkled with amusement and approval. “Ah, the transformative power of a caring Dominant,” he mused. “I was hoping you would care for her at least a bit but this is more than I expected. She could also remain with us and receive training and guidance. I’m not sure if she should return to the city this soon.”
Dante leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “Why do you think that?”
“Well, for starters, I believe she would benefit greatly from speaking with one of our counselors. Though I know there are therapists available in the city, I doubt they would have the type of knowledge needed to help a patient through the trauma Rebecca experienced. Sam and Catherine Denten not only have the experience, they live the lifestyle.”
Dante swallowed the objection he’d been about to give. While he could promise to see that Rebecca had the avenue of speaking with professionals about her ordeal, he had to admit the Dentens seemed to offer a far better fit for Rebecca. “It will ultimately be up to Rebecca, of course, but I agree that therapy could be beneficial. Though she is the victim here, she carries a lot of self-blame for what happened with that asswipe of her supposed boyfriend.”
Derek nodded but evidently hadn’t finished. “Secondly, the gang who exploited her haven’t been caught yet, have they?” he remarked, rolling a pen between his fingers.
“No, they haven’t,” Dante admitted. “The police are running an investigation, but these things take time.” He frowned—displeased. “More time than I like, actually.”
“Exactly.” Derek dropped the pen, rose, and started to pace his office with his hands behind his back. “With Rebecca still vulnerable and the gang remaining at large, I’m not comfortable with her being back there.” He halted a few feet in front of Dante and lowered his head. “I don’t think you can guard her 24/7.”
Dante sighed and agreed, “That would be difficult for me to do. My penthouse has good security and is in a decent and safe neighborhood, but it isn’t far from the parking lot where Rebecca hid in my car.” He brushed the palms of his hands over his face. “I’m, on the other hand, not happy about leaving her behind.”
Derek resumed pacing. “I understand. The two of you have bonded and handing her over to another Dominant would probably impede her recovery.”
Dante’s nails dug into his palms, and he unclenched his fists.
Derek gave him a knowing smirk. “And you feel possessive and protective of her?”
“Very,” Dante admitted.