Page 42 of Lorcan's Obsession
Before I could think of an excuse, Lorcan stepped in front of me.
"Hi, I'm Lorcan.” He stretched out his arm to greet the driver. “Tristen partied hard at Selena's birthday party yesterday and lost her voice this morning. But it's very nice to meet you, sir."
This man! I wanted to kiss him. Hard. For taking the initiative and saving my ass from mortifying questioning. Samir introduced himself and then walked to the opposite side of the car to give us some privacy. Lorcan wrapped me in a warm embrace. His chest rose and fell evenly, but I didn’t miss the slight tremor in his fingertips where they touched my chin.
"Can I kiss you? With tongue?” Lorcan gruffed, looking at me with sad puppy eyes. “I know it's painful, but I need something to keep me going until I see you again."
I nodded. He had covered for me just a minute ago, after all. Lorcan leaned in to capture my lips in the most gentle, sensual kiss he could give. I got lost in his taste, in the way his tongue felt against mine, in the way my body melded against his.
Everything around us was a blur. The tallest building in the world was our backdrop, and at that moment, we were the only two people on this planet. I saw the desire and longing in his eyes and wondered if he saw the caution in mine. We inhaled each other, temples touching, unwinding in the silence.
His thumb gently caressed my face, bringing me back to the present. It was time for me to go. We buttoned up what we felt, and I slipped back into my regular confident future lawyer persona. The romantic Tristen Morgana would have to wait.
"I can't wait until I see you again, beautiful,” he murmured against my ear. “It kills me to wait so long to talk to you."
A frustrated groan echoed his words, but I was keeping my no-exchanging phone numbers rule.
Lorcan waved and blew me a kiss as the car started moving. I blew him one back and stared at him till our vehicle turned to join the highway. I was mesmerized by him. Undoubtedly. The level of commitment from a playboy like him was unprecedented.
Sure, Lorcan had dropped hints here and there of wanting something more, but I was still convinced that, at his core, he was a pump-and-dump kind of guy. To his credit, Lorcan's tenacity and skill at giving me endless mind-shattering oos and aahs had left me a bit too willing to agree to a weekend with him, but Lord above, what would two players dating even look like?
An incoming video call pulled me out of my dozing thoughts and quickly burst my bubble. I’d know our Sweet but Psycho ringtone anywhere. My snoopy friends were getting ready to grill me. I couldn’t really blame them though; they’d been waiting for a status report since last night.
I ignored the call and texted them I’d be home in twenty. Anything longer than that, they would have kept harassing me or Samir with travel time updates. They could be persistent like toddlers with a single objective.
And just my luck, all my WAP friends were free this afternoon. No way could I escape their cross-examination. With my itsy-bitsy problem of "overused vocal cords" and my besties expecting every juicy bit of what happened last night, I dreaded the moment I’d have to come clean and tell them why I insisted on texting. A gossip of this magnitude demanded the complete reenactment to a live audience.
As soon as I walked into my apartment, they ignored my request to text and called, forcing me to reject with a message.
Me: Ladies, can we continue this via chat?
Mia: Fuck no, boo boo. I wanna see what you look like after a night of stuffing. What happened? You neva stay over.
Kora: C'mon girlfriend, start spilling whatever is not leaking out of you yet.
Selena: Tristen! Go to fucking video. We need a demo and some finger-to-hand measurements! How deep did he go?
Dom: Helloooo..?
I swallowed the ball of anxiety and started typing.
Me: I lost my voice. Full narration has to wait another day.
Kora: Well that’s a first. LOL.
What kind of kinky stuff did you do last night?
Selena: *Rofl emojis* I need to see it with my own eyes. I’m coming over in 30.
Me: Sel, I can’t talk. Haven’t slept much either.
Come tomorrow, please.
Dom: Sweety keep typing. I need everything. Length, girth, pace, firepower.
You can be mute all you want just gimme the juice.