Page 54 of Lorcan's Obsession
When he finally spoke, he said, "I enjoy going to rock concerts."
Everyone burst into laughter. Mario leaned across the table and ruffled his son’s blond mohawk. The conversations kept getting better, and Tristen relaxed, enjoying their company. I'd never admit it, but the food was excellent too.
"I have something for you." Mario handed Tris a red velvet pouch, along with an ancient-looking envelope. As soon as her eyes landed on the handwriting, her mood grew somber. "It was for your fourteenth birthday. Your dad brought it here, along with other toys for the treasure hunt we always did for your birthday. B-but..."
Mario’s words faltered, his voice thick with tears. Tristen draped her arms around the old man’s brittle bones, resting her face on his shoulders as he clutched her hands. Muffled sobs escaped her lips, and my heart sank to the depths. Even Marion wiped the corner of his eyes. As father, son, and Tris huddled in their shared grief, I stood out like the weird kid at the school cafeteria.
After several minutes, she lifted her face, gorgeous eyes red and puffy. "I need to go to him. He is the magic that calms me."
Mario kissed her forehead before Tris walked to me. She sat on my lap, nuzzling her face in my chest, her gorgeous thick curls tickling my stubble. I nestled my chin on her hair, catching the sweet scent of her strawberry and cream shampoo and feeling all the tension dissipate from my body.
"Lor, look what my dad left for me all those years ago," Tris whispered between us.
It was a silver Pandora bracelet with an Eiffel Tower charm. It had been oxidized over the years, losing its shine, but the sentiment was stronger than ever as fat tears streamed down Tristen's face. Although nothing I could say would make this moment easier for her, I reassured her through gentle touches and comforting kisses until she was ready to continue telling me their story.
"I was ten when we took a trip to Paris," Tris mumbled. "I went crazy with excitement when I saw the charms on the display window, and the only thing that calmed me down was a promise that my dad and I would travel every continent and get a charm as a memento."
"You can still do that, baby."
"I'm not sure I can, Lorcan," Tris said, palming my face, her eyes shining with endearment. "But I will have it with me every day because of you."
Silence passed between us. Tristen could see my appreciation for her sharing her vulnerability with me, and I felt her adoration when she pressed her lips on mine.
We had chocolate fondue and strawberries for dessert, and I invited Marion to join us for drinks later at a local pub. Stefan would join us as a buffer, in case things got weird or boring with Marion. My girl was quiet through the rest of the meal. No doubt, her mind was thinking about the contents of the letter.
The elder Mario walked us out the door and hugged Tris tightly like she would vanish if he let his arms go. She promised she’d visit again soon, and when Mario asked that she bring me with her, she agreed. My mind was off to the races. Did she mean it? Had I done enough to change her mind? Was she considering more than a one-time fling?
Only time would tell. We were solidly connecting on an emotional level. Soon, I would set in motion the final steps to seal the deal.
Rum and Coke was a good tonic to soothe my overwhelmed heart. Today had been emotionally charged, and the wheels were still spinning inside my head. I hadn’t gathered enough courage to open the letter my dad left me.
Occasionally, I looked at the large TV that was playing the Monaco Grand Prix to all the pub’s patrons. Lorcan, Stefan, and Mario were all eagerly watching and commenting, but I was too exhausted to really watch. I was doing good to suck the rum and Coke up my straw. Lorcan took a swig of his beer and wrapped an arm around me.
"Whatchu thinking?" he whispered.
“Everything.” I forced a dull smile. "Today has been a lot."
"I can’t begin to imagine. Anything I can do?"
"I think I'm ready to go to the hotel. Can we leave?"
We said our goodbyes and boarded the private jet. Once we got to the Alpian mountainside, a cable car was the only way to the resort. Lorcan stepped inside the confined space and held out his palm for me. I accepted his assistance and just as quickly dropped his hand like it was blistering hot. Since leaving the pub, Lorcan was eyeing me like a starving man hungry for cake. As much as I loved him eating my cake, I wasn’t going nakey on a cold ski lift. So I chose the seat across from him rather than beside him. I pretended to be studying the cabin floor but peered at him from beneath my lashes. The gray sweats hugged his sinewy legs, how his cock rested outlined against his thigh, and how the white tee stretched across his broad chest. I gnawed at my lip.
“I don't bite,” he teased, running a hand through his messy raven locks.
“I might. I’m going crazy imagining how your piercing and huge cock will feel inside my pussy.”
He ran a hand over his face and licked his plump lips. I was pushing him to a very dangerous edge, and he was practically eye-fucking me from the other side of the cable car.
“Maybe I should have requested two beds.” He smirked.
“You’d let me sleep away from your arms?”