Page 67 of Lorcan's Obsession
“It’s almost expected of a good 'future boyfriend' don't you think?” I laughed.
"So you are on board with me becoming your boyfriend?"
"You know what I meant, Lorcan."
A low rumble of disapproval vibrated across his chest as his electric-silver eyes dissected my words and saw the truth to them. Getting between my legs was very different from asking me to commit my heart. If anything, I'd gone in from day one needing only dick services.
"Give me these lips," Lorcan demanded, his finger tilting my chin before his mouth descended on mine in a subduing kiss. I was powerless against his body and I was fast learning he was going to use it to equal the playing field. All my "nos" would become "yeses" by the power of his tongue and amazing cock.
The bastard chuckled when he saw how flushed and breathless I was after the kiss.
And yet, as I watched the gorgeous, six-foot-four hunk of a man saunter confidently into the hallway, I couldn’t help but realize…I was looking forward to that phone call tonight. Huh? That was a first. Right now, I was very much not interested in unpacking those feelings, so I shook my head, briskly marched into Kora’s house, and plopped myself on her designer couch.
She handed me a pitcher of water. “You look like you need the hydration, babe.”
“Can I have a glass?”
“No. You’ve been with the man for four days. Drink up, freshen up, and catch me up.”
“Fine, but I’ll need morning after pills before we start. That man has stuffed me with enough cum to pop his triplets in nine months.”
“No, you did not.”
“Doc,” I grumbled, “please go easy on me. The guy is—”
“Exactly what he is is the reason you should play it safe. If he was clean today, can you be sure of the same next week unless you are exclusively dating?”
I buried my head in my hands. Kora was right. I wasn’t interested in dating, but the thought of asking Lorcan to use protection whenever he was with anyone else was like burning acid thrown on my skin. I wanted that cock to myself.
“I’ll talk to him,” I said.
“Good. Now, leave no part out about the kind of stud he is.”
I sang like a canary for the next three hours. Every juicy detail flowed from my lips, starting from the surprise trip to Switzerland. We giggled over Lorcan’s tiff with Marion, admired his fingering skills in the Swiss hangar, and exchanged feelings on the most important part about him—his dick. Kora was an active listener, asking lots of questions throughout our manicure. By the time we reached the fancy salad bar for lunch, she had lots to say about Lorcan’s size, piercing, and the magic havoc he wreaked.
“Tris, are you sure you can stick to your no-dating rule with this guy?”
“A thousand percent. He is a playboy. We’ll drift away naturally.”
“Hmm. Answer me one question.”
“What’s the one thing about him you don’t like?”
I stabbed at the salad with my fork, anxious that my friend had put me under a glaring spotlight. Lorcan had aroused a myriad of feelings from me. If I was going to be honest with Kora, I’d need to look deeper and acknowledge there was something unique about him. And if I admitted that, then that meant there was a chance I could like him. Like, really like him.
Still, I pushed the leaves around the salad bowl as if it would help me see the bad sides of Lorcan. I was a picky woman; I could easily find something wrong with him. But as I scoured through every memory since that first run-in at Hendricks Bar, I reached a terrible realization.
I wouldn’t change a damn thing.
And I wasn’t ready to admit that out loud either.
“C’mon Kora. I just need the great sex,” I grumbled.
Before she could rebuke me, my phone pinged with the arrival alert of my car. Thank goodness. I wasn’t ready for another lecture about my recklessness. As Kora walked with me to where the taxi waited, she sighed and shook her head. “Look, Tristen. I know you need good sex. We all do. And I‘m happy you are getting dicked out. But you haven’t shared your number with any man for seven years for your own protection. I’m worried for you, bestie.”
I wrapped my arms around my tall friend, hugging her tight. She was right about it all because she had been there from the very beginning. But I was still riding that Lorcan-high, and it was fucking addictive.