Page 5 of Mountain Man's Dream
This man makes me feel things that I never thought were going to happen for me.
"Name's Glen," I tell her when we finally get around to the introductions.
It's getting late, the sun's already dropped behind the western range, leaving the forest drenched in the cool blue shadows of mountain twilight.
We spent too much damn time hanging her cameras up and not enough time preparing for the night.
Looking up from the fire that's just come to life, I give her another look. As much as I try not to stare, I can't help myself. I feel my eyes go hungry every time they catch sight of her: easily a foot shorter than my six foot, four inches; long blonde hair the same shade as the summer sun in the afternoon, hangs down her back in a single thick plait like a silken rope. I want to twist it around my fist and pull on it while I drive my cock into her from behind.
"So, you're a Bigfoot hunter, eh?"
I choke back my lust and stoke the fire.
If I keep staring into those storm gray eyes, I'll get lost forever. And maybe I'm already lost. God knows it's taking every ounce of will power I can scrape together not to pull her in for a hard kiss before laying her down right here by the fire and making her mine.
"Not exactly." Finch pulls a blanket out of her tent and spreads it down on the ground beside the fire.
"I'm a scientist."
Her voice is proud and I like hearing the sound of passion in it, but I want to hear it full of a different kind of passion.
"The asshole that debunked my videos is the professor that oversees my graduate program in cryptozoology."
I feed the fire one of the larger pieces of wood I was able to gather and watch the flames reach for the sky. Normally I wouldn't keep a campfire going longer than it takes to cook dinner and definitely not build it as high as I have this one, but I've camped in the weeping wilderness before and I'd have preferred not to do it again. I'm going to make sure that Finch is safe until I can talk her into getting out of these woods and into my bed.
"That fucking sucks," I mutter about her professor. Sounds like an asshole that probably doesn't want one of his students to steal his spotlight. "So, this is what you're gonna do with your life? Run around the world, looking for Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster?"
Her answer means more to me than it should.
Dammit, I just met the girl and, in my head, I put a ring on that a long time ago and we're already on baby number three. That's not fucking fair to Finch. She's a few years younger than me, still working on a graduate degree, about to start a crazy new career that'll take her all over the world looking for mythical beasts...settling down with a grumpy old man and making babies is probably the furthest thing from this girl's mind.
Her laugh is like music. She's moved over to give me room to sit beside her on the blanket and now I'm close enough to her to catch the scent of her. Warm, herbal and fruity, like rosemary and peaches.
My dick's hard again, determined to stake its claim on this beauty.
"No." It sounds like a confession, as she fiddles with the hem on the hoodie she's slipped on over a pair of soft, fleece camp pants. "My first love is entomology, actually. You know we find hundreds of previously uncatalogued species of insects every year? I'm particularly interested in lepidopterology. That's why I had those cameras set up at Clawson Crossing to begin with. "
Those gray eyes look up to meet mine and there's that passion for what she does lighting up her voice again and it's the sexiest fucking thing I've ever heard-- my girl wants to chase butterflies in the mountains.
There's no warning to prepare me for the feel of Glen's mouth on mine, the soft scratch of his beard, the hot, possessive invasion of his tongue into my mouth.
One minute he was sitting beside me on the camp blanket and I was telling him what I really want to do with my life, and then-- holy shit.
If I thought this man was scrambling my senses earlier, feeling his touch has me spinning into overdrive.
My back hits the ground as Glen's weight pushes me against the earth beneath us. The fire dances and crackles beside us. Glen's mouth ravages mine in a brutal kiss that has me clawing to get more of him.
The way his bulk covers me makes me feel downright tiny. It's not a feeling I have often and it makes me crave the feel of him even more.
His hands slide over my body and I position to give him access to whatever he wants, loving the heat from his large hand as it covers my breast over-- and then under-- the fabric of my sweatshirt.