Page 9 of Mountain Man's Dream
Glen chuckles, kissing my shoulder and drawing lazy circles on my belly.
"You tellin' me you're out here looking for Bigfoot, but you don't think a pack of wolves can exist without being tagged and tracked?"
The wolf song is in the distance, plenty far enough away not to worry about.
I stoke the fire one more time anyway, memories of my last night in the weeping wilderness getting the better of me.
"Hang on a minute, Sugar."
When Finch starts reaching for her clothes, I beat her to it. Searching in the tent for where everything landed when I was eager to get it out of my way, but before I hand her night clothes back to her, I reach for my ruck and find the small toiletry kit I carry.
"Lie back, Sugar, let me take care of ya."
Taking the cloth I dampened with water from my drinking bottle, I take my time running it over Finch's body,
"Sorry Sugar, I should have warmed it up first." The water's cold and Finch jumps when the cloth touches her.
"It's OK, the fire's so warm. It's feels good."
She lets those pretty thighs fall open so I can wipe between them, cleaning up the mess we made even though I know I'll be making a mess of her again before the night is over.
The cloth comes away from between her legs pink, reminding me that I'm the first man she's ever had and my cock stirs at the thought of being the last.
"How are you feeling?"
"Good." In the firelight, I can see the blush in her cheeks and I don't miss the way her gaze falls to the monster rising again between my own legs.
The way she licks her lips has me completely hard in seconds.
"You still wanna taste me, Sugar?"
Finch's head bobs up and down enthusiastically, making me chuckle.
"Maybe we oughta move to the tent first."
She doesn't argue with me. My girl quickly scrambles into the tent she had no idea she'd be sharing when she set it up, giving me a view of her naked ass jiggling with her movements.
As soon as we're inside for the night, I lie back and let my girl explore my body every way she the time we fall asleep in a sweaty heap of exhaustion and satisfaction, I don't even care that the wolf song sounds like it's gotten closer.
Hours later, I find my eyelids springing open. At first, I'm not sure what it is.
The sky outside is a lighter blue, but only barely, letting me know it's early morning but still awhile before sunrise.
The forest around us is silent. Maybe that's the problem, birds should be beginning to sing by now.
Then I hear it. The smallest of twigs snapping, the softness of a careful footfall, what sounds like breathing; something is in camp and it sure as hell ain't Bigfoot.
My skin prickles and the hairs on my arms stand up.
I can hear it prowling outside the tent now.
Grabbing my clothes, I unwind myself from Finch's sleeping body, instantly pissed at being forced to leave her soft curves when I'd so much rather be sinking into her again.