Page 29 of The Beta's Bargain
I frown up at him. “How do you always know?”
“Because we’re friends.”
“Friends?” I ask with a teasing grin.
“The best of friends,” Dylan whispers. “And friends know when friends need help. So, this is me throwing you a lifeline.”
I turn my hand, gripping his, trying to ignore the flutters. I stare into his eyes until I have to tear my gaze away. My cheeks are on fire, and my stomach is flipping wildly, but there’s a happiness that’s making my chest light.
“This is me taking the lifeline.” As friends. Purely platonic friends.
“Well, the afternoon’s games seem to be going well.”
I jolt violently and pull my hand free of Dylan’s. I let out a curse and turn to smile up at Silas.
“You scared me. They are going to start destroying things soon.” I jerk my head to the lawn. “I hope you have people available to carry them all inside.”
Silas shrugs. “I’m not surprised. And we are always prepared at Hastings Hotels.”
That takes the wind out of my sails, and I slump. “Your guests are happy. They love the drinks, the service, the choice of activities, they love the resort.” I hesitate. “But they are bored and destructive and-“
“Any signs of matches?”
“Not yet.” I say through my teeth. “So, you don't care about this?” I wave my hand towards the group.
“Fantastic work.” Silas says and rocks back on his heels.
My glare should have burned a hole into the side of his head, but alas, the hard-headed alpha simply ignores me. I can feel Dylan’s tension building and frantically think of a subject.
“Your mother is very famous. I imagine it must have been hard to live with her.” I ask the question without much thought, instantly wishing I'd bitten my tongue.
Silas blinks and turns to me. “That’s not really any of your business.”
I bare my teeth with a smile. Fuck it, that’s the most reaction I’ve gotten from him in four days of this new job. “Sure, it is.”
He spits a word in a language I’m not familiar with. It’s unbearably hot. “My mother is awful. She is critical and always held me to a standard I couldn’t reach. Everyone thought she was wonderful, though. No one knows what she’s really like. She is the ultimate actress.”
I stare at him. “My father was similar. I was born for one job and one job only, and I could never do it well enough. My mother and I both failed to be what he decided we should be. His expectations could never be met.”
Silas is silent. I can feel his eyes boring into me. “Did you stop trying?”
I bark out a laugh. “Not as yet.”
“How sad it is that our parents have been so disappointing in our lives.”
I smile tightly but don’t look at him. Dylan is quiet beside me. For a few minutes, the three of us just watch the groups of men and women interact.
“Can I bring you both a drink?” Silas asks. The question is soft, without his normal snarl.
You could knock me over with a feather. I know Dylan isn’t going to accept it. So, I do it for him. “Yes, please. We’d love one. But no alcohol. I’m working.”
Silas’ dark gaze looks me up and down, and then he turns and walks away.
“Well, he’s friendlier than he used to be. Perhaps I misjudged him,” I say with a chuckle.
“Interesting game you’re playing, Nyx.” Dylan says slowly, and I can’t help but note the disapproval in his voice. “Interesting and obvious.”
It’s not the first time he’s said my name, but I find myself shivering in response. It makes me daring and want to take a risk. Anything that gets his attention. What road is this madness taking me down?