Page 5 of Alaric's Perfect Mate
“From the local pack,” Jonathon said.“Welcome to the NWFA. We have openings if either of you areinterested in fighting.”
“We’ll stick to our jobs tonight, thanks,”Gabe said dryly.
“There are other VIPs waiting. We’re going totour the staging area first. The fighters wait for their matches intheir groups.” He offered her his elbow, and she took it. “You looklovely, by the way.”
“Thank you,” she said.
They passed through an archway and into asprawling area where small groups of males appeared to be waitingfor their fights. The males wore linen shorts and nothing else. Agroup of well-dressed men and women were waiting nearby, and theystopped long enough for Jonathon to introduce Aubrey to them.
“We’ve made many improvements to the arenasince we came here, to make it more hospitable for our fighters.Training facilities are underground and open twenty-four hours aday. This is our inaugural night. Beginning next weekend, ourfighters will be battling on Fridays and Saturdays. We’ll stay herefor a few months and then move on to another location.”
Gabe walked next to Aubrey with Lance closebehind. The other VIPs chatted about the fighters. Aubrey wasn’tsure if it was really all on the up-and-up, but the fighters seemedto be content, and no one was chained or caged up.
“Be honest,” Jonathon said, “you thought theywould be in cages.”
She smiled at him. “It’s hard to imaginesomeone wanting to do this.”
“It’s no different than what the human MMAfighters do. Weres aren’t allowed in human fighting leagues, so wemake our own.”
“I’m not judging. People should do what makesthem happy.”
“Or who makes them happy,” Gabe saidunder his breath.
Aubrey blushed and elbowed him, and helaughed, tucking her hand over his biceps.
“There aren’t a lot of women here,” Aubreysaid, trying to change the subject.
“Some females will fight, but those fightsaren’t as popular as the males.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe humansdon’t like seeing women fight.”
“Supes do?”
“Under the right circumstances,definitely.”
A furious roar split the air, and her heartstopped for a brief moment. She felt something click inside her,and she couldn’t explain it, but she had to see who had roared.
She scanned the room and found one of thesmall groups struggling to hold back a male, but before she couldmove to see who roared, Jonathon and her guards hustled her fromthe arena. They flew up a flight of stairs and into the owner’sbox, where cushy blue seats sat in rows and overlooked the dirtfloor of the arena.
“Who was that?” Aubrey asked, pressing herhand to her chest. Her heart was pounding, and she had a strongurge to go back down the stairs.
Jonathon opened his mouth, but the door tothe suite opened and a beautiful blonde in a sparkly blue gownstood in the doorway.
“What are you doing here, Lia?”
“I came for her,” she said, pointing atAubrey.
Nodding, Lia walked gracefully into thesuite. She took both of Aubrey’s hands and squeezed lightly. “Myname is Lia, and that roar you heard downstairs belongs to mybrother, Alaric. He’s a saber shifter.”
Gabe and Lance made surprised noises but saidnothing. Aubrey glanced at them and then at Lia. “I’m Aubrey Night.Did you say saber as in saber-tooth tiger?”
“Yep. Alaric, my brothers, and I are the lastsaber tigers in existence.”
Aubrey looked down at their hands. She couldfeel a connection to this woman, and even though she didn’tunderstand it, she knew that the roar belonged to a man she neededto be with and that Lia could take Aubrey to him.