Page 7 of Alaric's Perfect Mate
“His beast is going to be thinking about onlytwo things—fucking you and protecting you. It’s why Alpha Blackrushed you from the room. Every shifter in that room knew exactlywhat that roar meant,” he said.
She mulled over Gabe’s words.
“It’s Alaric’s fight,” Lia said.
Aubrey couldn’t stop herself from standingand moving to the half-wall of the suite to watch. They wereseveral stories up, but she felt as though she was right there onthe dirt. She didn’t have to be told which guy was Alaric; she felta strange connection to the biggest of the two men. He was tall andbroad, with short, dark hair. He stared up at her, and she felt aconnection bloom between them. Her heart clenched tightly, and sheturned, determined to go down to the dirt and see him.
Lia put her hand on Aubrey’s arm and stoppedher. “You have to let him fight. When he’s finished for the night,I’ll take you to him.”
Aubrey chewed on her bottom lip.“Promise?”
“Okay.” She relaxed but only fractionally anddidn’t take her seat; instead, she watched intently. As Alaric andthe other guy fought, she mulled over what Lia had told her. Mate.The word was foreign to her but also felt completely right. Humansdidn’t have mates—they found someone they thought was cute, went ona few dates, and maybe got married. Mates, as she understood it,were something far deeper than a human couple experienced.
Alaric and the fighter tumbled and howledtogether, but Alaric was clearly a better fighter. Stronger.Faster. Alaric put the other fighter in what looked like a painfulheadlock, and the fighter tapped out. Alaric stood slowly andstared at Aubrey, and everything inside her quieted as he pointedat her and roared. The sound was deep, full of possession anddesire, and it filled her with an answering passion that shecouldn’t explain.
That man was her mate. She didn’t fullyunderstand what it meant, but she didn’t care. The only thing sheknew for sure was that Alaric was hers, and that’s all thatmattered.
Chapter Four
Alaric’s body ached, but not from the manybruises and scratches that marred his skin. The ache was bone-deepand came from the mating connection. He paced in a small trainingroom, waiting for Lia to bring his mate to him. He wanted to shiftand hunt down the petite brunette, but he knew if he stormed out ofthe room as a saber, Jonathon would have a fit. Not that he cared,actually, because Jonathon wasn’t his alpha, but the humans wouldfreak out. Humans seemed to only like shifters in an abstractsense, when they were still human and not threatening looking.
Galen and Slade watched him warily as theystood blocking the doors. He wasn’t going to attack his brothers,but his beast didn’t mind that they were concerned he might. Therewas a sharp knock on the door, and Alaric scented the air, growlingin annoyance when it was only Jonathon on the other side and nothis mate.
Galen opened the door, and Jonathon and Krelstepped inside.
“How are you feeling?” Jonathon asked.Neither male drew close to him, and that was just fine with him andhis beast.
He grunted, unable to articulate the needthat was clawing at him from the inside.
“He’ll be a lot fucking better when the girlgets here. Where is she?” Slade asked.
“She’s coming. Lia was arguing with herguards about their need to stay away.”
Galen shook his head. “He needs to see hersoon, or we’re going to have a pissed off saber in this room, andI, for one, am not interested in being a chew toy today.”
Jonathon looked at Alaric and said nothingfor a long moment.
Alaric stopped pacing and faced the wolf.“What?”
“When you’ve mated with your female, we needto talk about your oath.”
Alaric gnashed his teeth, annoyance fillinghim.
“It would be better if you left,” Slade said.“Now is definitely not the time.”
Jonathon sniffed, looking like a fussystuffed suit and not like an alpha wolf, and nodded at Krel, whoextracted three envelopes from his interior jacket pocket. “Welldone tonight,” Krel said, smiling tightly. “The humans were verypleased.”
Slade growled sharply, and Krel gasped,stepping back. Even though the male had been Jonathon’s assistantfor many years, he still seemed worried that a were would kill himat some point.
Galen opened the door. “We’ll be in touchbefore the fights next week.”
“See that you are,” Jonathon said.
The door shut, and Slade said, “What’s hisangle?”
“He’s probably bummed that Alaric found hismate at the first fight here and will quit. We only swore an oathto fight for him until we found our mates. He has three sabersfighting now, but it shouldn’t be an issue for us to go down totwo. There’s no way in hell Alaric would want his mate around allthese unmated males.”