Page 12 of Slade's Feisty Mate
Slade growled and Lia laughed.
“Be nice to your sister,” Gretchen said.
“I’m your sister, too,” Lia pointed out.
“That’s so cool. I’ve got two sisters and two brothers now,” Gretchen said.
“Our family is growing fast,” Lia said wistfully. “I hope I don’t have to wait a long time to meet my mate. How about you go take a nap, Galen?”
He rolled his eyes and stood. “I’m going to hit the gym and train. Call me when you’re ready to head to Jonathon’s.”
“Is he okay?” Gretchen asked as they all stood and left the restaurant.
“It’s stressful to have mating dreams and not know how to find your mate. If he’s dreaming about colors, it probably has to do with something concerning his mate, but who knows what the hell it means. If he keeps having vague dreams, then he’ll want to leave to try to find her. He’s probably stressed about that, too,” Alaric said.
“Are you glad you skipped the mating dreams?” Gretchen asked Slade as they parted ways from his family and headed out to the parking lot to drive to her parents’ home.
“Yes and no. I’m thankful I found you so quickly, but Alaric said the dreams were very sexy, so maybe it would have been nice to have one or two dreams.” He held open the door to the SUV he shared with his family, and she got into the passenger seat.
“Reality’s better than any dream,” she said.
Kissing her with a soft growl, he said, “You’re better than everything.”
* * *
Her parents’ home was a modest three-bedroom ranch in pack territory. When Slade stopped in the driveway, she saw her grandma’s maroon four-door sedan and was thrilled she’d been able to come to meet her mate.
As Slade came around to open her door, he growled loudly and his fangs elongated as he stared behind his vehicle.
She looked behind her and saw four males from her former pack. Frowning, she rolled down the window. “What’s wrong?”
“They said they’re making sure that we don’t overstay our welcome,” he said.
She blinked in surprise. “Oh, the alpha must have sent them. We’re in pack territory, and I’m not part of the pack anymore, and you’re definitely not a pack member. Just ignore them.”
“You’re allowed to visit your parents,” he said, not taking his eyes off the males behind them.
“We are, Slade,” she said, reaching to comfort him. “Next time, my parents can come to the hotel.”
He glanced at her, his eyes pale gold. “Fine.”
“My touch calms you?”
“It’s our truemate connection,” he said, opening the door. “You settle my cat.”
“I’ll remember that if I ever piss you off.”
“It’s not a magic button,” he said, shooting a glare at the males in the driveway.
“I have one of those.”
“What?” He turned to look at her, his brows drawn in confusion.
“A magic button. It makes cream appear.” She wiggled her brows, and he groaned, wrapping his arm around her and drawing her close.
“It’s not nice to tease the cat, baby.”
“It’s called anticipation. We’ll meet with my parents, and you’ll try to hide your massive erection from them while I do my best to wiggle my butt provocatively in front of you.”