Page 17 of Slade's Feisty Mate
Slade chose pink roses for Gretchen, and Alaric picked white lilies for Aubrey. They thanked Jocelyn for her help and left, leading the bellhops to the elevator and up to their new homes on the fourteenth floor.
“I like this hotel a hell of a lot better than sharing that cramped camper with you three,” Slade said.
“Hell yes. I didn’t mind fighting for Jonathon, but I’m glad to be done with it. Having a regular job and starting a family has been a dream of mine for a long time.”
“Me too.”
Reaching the door to his and Gretchen’s room, he nodded at his brother and used the thumbprint ID to unlock the door. He instructed the bellhop to put the bags on the couch and handed him a tip on his way out the door.
Then he texted his mate.
I’ve got a special present for you.
She texted back.
By special present, do you mean your dick?
He laughed at his mate’s sassy comment.
I didn’t, but I do now. From now on, we’ll call my dick your special present. It’ll be our code.
I’ll be right there. For my special present.
She ended her text with a winking smiley face.
Standing in the center of the living room with the flowers, he waited for his sweetheart so he could give her the flowers. And her special present.
Chapter Seven
Gretchen took Slade’s hand and slid from the second row of the SUV. Alaric and Aubrey were in the front seats, and Galen and Lia were in the third row. Lia complained about trying to climb out of the third row without flashing her panties to everyone.
Caleb’s club, Heat, was packed. Gretchen had been a few times since she started working for him at the hotel. She and Aubrey had come together and danced and flirted with the bartenders to get free drinks.
“Is it always this busy?” Lia asked as she tugged on the hem of her short dress.
“Pretty much,” Aubrey said. “A lot of members of the kiss live and work here. Underneath the club are daytime resting chambers. Caleb likes to live in the penthouse, but he does have a nice chamber here. Gretchen and I stayed in it one night when we’d had too much to drink and couldn’t find a cab.”
Gretchen looked at her mate as his arm slid around her waist and drew her close. He looked so handsome. She’d already undressed him once after seeing him in his black slacks and dark green dress shirt. He lowered his head slowly, his eyes flashing to the gold of his beast for a moment, and kissed her.
“Can I have my special present again?” she whispered against his mouth.
He chuckled lasciviously. “I’m sure I can find a way to give it to you. Again and again.”
“It’s a good thing I’m not wearing panties or they’d be soaked,” she whispered.
“Gross,” Lia said, laughing. “You’re in the presence of shifters with good hearing.”
Gretchen’s cheeks flushed, and Slade snapped his teeth at his sister. “Don’t discourage her. I like my mate’s sexy talk.”
Galen said, “Let’s get inside so they can grope each other in privacy.”
“Now that’s my kind of good idea,” Slade said.
Following Alaric and Aubrey as they bypassed the long line of people waiting to get into Heat, Aubrey introduced the group to the bouncers. The big males, who weren’t nearly as big as her mate, were vampires. One unlocked the velvet rope and the other held open one of the huge carved wooden doors.
Slade held her close as they walked inside. Music and lights assaulted her senses, and her wolf’s hackles rose as she scented females all around them.
“I’m yours entirely,” Slade said into her ear. “No one will ever touch me—or you—again.”