Page 9 of Slade's Feisty Mate
He lowered her to the bed, and she rolled to her back. Her eyes were back to their beautiful green.
Pushing her knee to the side, he lowered his head.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“You said you wanted a ton of orgasms. I don’t think five counts as a ton. Round two. Then a snack.”
She smiled. “You say snack like you mean me.”
Grinning broadly, he wiggled his brows. “I do.”
“I like how you think, sexy.”
* * *
Slade woke slowly after their fourth round of love making. His feisty sweetheart was lying on top of him like a blanket, her silky, red hair warm against his skin. He wrapped a lock around his finger and looked at it. The curtains that covered the sliding door leading to a tiny balcony were parted, letting in a sliver of early morning light.
His mate breathed deeply in sleep, but Slade was wide awake now, with thoughts of the future filling his mind. Gretchen had asked him to make breakfast as part of her agreement to be his mate. Although he knew she was teasing, he didn’t want to start off being a bad mate.
At one point, they’d ordered room service again for a midnight snack using an app on her tablet, which was charging on the nightstand. He lifted it and pressed the home button, and then he scanned the apps on the screen and found the one for room service.
Under the breakfast menu, he ordered an egg and meat platter, several kinds of pastries, and juice. Under the special requests, he left a note for them to leave the food at the door instead of coming in to serve. His sweetheart was getting breakfast in bed, and he wanted her to be naked and not to have to get dressed because someone else was in the room. No one would be seeing his mate naked. Ever.
His cat snarled and he realized she probably got naked every full moon in front of her pack so she could shift and hunt. He didn’t plan to be the kind of mate who was an asshole, but her being naked around anyone else was going to stop. His cat had a great idea…go kill anyone who had seen her naked.
Stop trying to kill people.
His cat snorted.
Inhaling Gretchen’s sweet scent, he wrapped his arms around her and waited for the knock signaling room service.
Gretchen didn’t wake up until he waved a piece of bacon under her nose. She growled softly as her eyes opened, and he grinned.
“You ordered room service?” she asked as she sat up and took a bite of the bacon.
“You said breakfast in bed was a condition of your agreement to mate me.”
She tilted her head, her eyes dancing. “I should have asked for more things.”
“Too late. You’re mine.”
“Damn it,” she said, chuckling.
He’d found a single-cup coffee maker in her kitchenette and made coffee for both of them before she woke, and after asking how she took her coffee, he fixed it for her with milk and sugar.
“I could get used to this,” she said after sipping the coffee.
“Which part?” he asked as he pulled the egg and meat platter closer on the bed and began to fill their plates.
“Waking up to you.”
Cupping her face, he leaned in and kissed her gently. “I’m so glad you’re mine, Gretchen.”
“Me too, Slade.”
His phone buzzed several times while he was feeding his mate, but he ignored it. He knew it was his sister or brothers calling to meet up with him and Gretchen to discuss the NWFA and their plans for the future.
Putting his empty plate on the now-empty tray, he leaned back against the headboard and looked at his mate as she smeared grape jelly on a triangle of toast. “The full moon is in four days.”