Page 18 of Beautifully Broken
He’s also wearing the tightest pair of pants known to man. How in the world does he fit himself in there? And believe me, there is a lot to fit in. He’s got to be at least six and a half feet tall. I wouldn’t say he’s slim, because there are definitely some impressive muscles going on, but he’s also nowhere near bulky. He’s got the perfect amount of muscle to go along with his height. His hair is chocolate brown and he wears it in a shaggy style. He’s sporting a two-day shadow. His eyes are pure black, and when he smiles, he has two adorable dimples.
He immediately walks straight up to me and, without a single glance at my scar, grabs my cheeks and pinches them.
“Girl, you are just the cutest thing!” he says, while still holding my cheeks. He has an amazing deep voice. “I’m so glad you started working here! I’m so tired of having to deal with Mia’s crabby ass all the time. Too much negativity, I tell you! A person like me needs happiness in his life, not Miss Sulky over there. Of course, there is one perk to the job, and that’s the fine piece of meat that owns this joint. Mmm hmm. Yummy!” He smacks his lips and rolls his eyes to the ceiling while moaning.
Umm… what? Did that just really happen? I have no idea how to respond to his excited chatter. I just stand there staring at him with my jaw on the floor. Usually, I would be quaking in my boots from a man of his size being so close and familiar with me, but there’s just something about him that puts me at ease. There are absolutely no threatening vibes coming off him.
Mia walks up to our strange little party and has to reach way up to smack the back of the guy’s head.
“I heard that, Andy. The only reason I’ve been in a shitty mood lately is because I’ve been stuck with you so much. It’ll make my entire fucking year when Bailey is fully trained, and I don’t have to see your face every damn day.” She has a twinkle in her eye, so I know she doesn’t mean what she said.
He finally releases my cheeks to rub the back of his head, glaring at Mia. “Damn it, Mia, I told you not to call me that!”
Mia reaches up and ruffles his dark mop of hair like she would a child. “Well, play nice and you may get what you want then.”
He grabs Mia on both sides of her head and plants a kiss on her lips, making a loud smacking noise as he does. She chuckles as she walks off to serve a customer. He then turns toward me.
“My name’s Andrew, and under no circumstances can you call me Andy.” He says the name like it’s the most disgusting thing in the world. “I mean, seriously, who wants to be called a sissy name like that? Do I look like a sissy to you? The answer is no. With a body and looks like mine, I can only be an Andrew! I’m Andrew all the way, baby!” He says the last while holding out his arms to emphasize the goodness of his good looks.
He glances over my shoulder and a huge grin appears on his face.
“And speaking of men with more good looks than they know what to do with, here comes the king himself. Hey, hotness!”
I turn to see Jaxon making his way over to us. He has a concerned look on his face as he eyes me. When he sees that I’m alright, the frown lines disappear from his brow.
“Hey, Andrew, how’s it going?” he asks when he’s standing in front of us.
“Oh, you know, the same. Trying to hold off the horde of guys beating on my door. I keep telling them that I’m saving myself for my hot boss, but they just won’t listen. Now, come give Andrew a kissy kissy.” He puckers his lips at Jaxon and closes his eyes.
I bug my eyes out at the picture before me. I glance over at Jaxon, expecting him to become angry or agitated with Andrew. What I witness next is totally unexpected. Jaxon slowly strolls up to Andrew and puts one of his hands on his cheek. He leans in so close that there couldn’t have been more than a couple of inches between their lips. Just before they touch, Jaxon says in his deep masculine voice, “Not. Gonna. Happen.” He then drops his hand and takes a step back to stand beside me.
“Damn, so close, yet so far away,” Andrew mumbles to himself.
I can’t hold it in anymore. No sane person who saw and heard what I just did would be able to. I throw back my head and laugh a full-body, clutching-my-stomach, laugh. I have tears streaming down my face and my cheeks actually hurt from laughing so hard. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. It just keeps coming. I have no control over it.
When I’m finally able to unbend my body to look up at the two people who were the cause of my mirth, I notice that Andrew is looking at me with his megawatt dimpled smile. Jaxon is watching me with an expression that makes me nervous. The rest of my laugh dies a quick death at his look. There’s so much heat and desire in his eyes. They’re no longer violet and cornflower blue, but more of a deep purple and steel blue. The combination is astounding and mesmerizing. They hold me prisoner and all I can do is stare back at him.
“Hmm… what do we have here? This could get very interesting. Good thing I’ve got front row-seats. It’s about damn time,” I hear Andrew say, but I’m completely clueless as to what he’s referring to.
Jaxon breaks the spell he has on me by glaring at Andrew. “Andrew, don’t,” he growls.
Andrew raises his hands in an “it wasn’t me” gesture, and says, “Hey, hey, nothing going on over here. See? I’m minding my own business.” And with a wink to me, he strolls off toward the other end of the bar.
Jaxon turns back to. “As you can see, Andrew is very special. You have to be dedicated to handle his brand of crazy.”
“I heard that, hotness,” Andrew calls over his shoulder without turning around.
“How are you doing out here, angel?” Jaxon asks. The endearment rolls off his tongue like he’s been saying it for years.
“I’m fine. Although it’s been a few years since I worked a bar, it didn’t take long for me to get back in the groove of things.”
“Everyone being nice to you?”
“Yes, everyone’s been very nice. You have an amazing town full of very friendly people.” I wish so hard that I could have stumbled across this remarkable little town under different circumstances. I’ve only been here a few days, and I’ve already gotten attached to it. Not to mention the people I’ve met have been amazing. It already hurts knowing that one day soon I’m going to have to leave this beautiful town, with its beautiful people, behind.
“I just wanted to let you know that I’ve got all your stuff upstairs and that the fridge and pantry are now stocked. In a couple hours, once it winds down a bit, I’ll take you upstairs and show you around.”
I give him a timid smile and reply, “That sounds great. Thank you again, Jaxon.” I shudder as I remember Jaxon’s warning of the dangers of me sleeping in my car. Even a small town like this isn’t perfect, I guess.