Page 42 of Beautifully Broken
The drive to his mom’s house takes about five minutes. I have to say that five minutes is not long enough for me to get control of the nerves racking my body.
The house that we pull up to is not what I expected. Many of the houses in the area are big two-story homes. The one we pull up to isn’t exactly small, but it is compared to what I’ve seen so far.
It’s a light blue, almost white, with a front porch that runs the length of the front and one side. There’s a nice little porch swing at one end that also has two rocking chairs with a small table between them. It’s all very homey.
When Jaxon leads me up the stairs, the front door opens and a small petite woman steps outside. Her hair consists mostly of gray but I can tell it used to be a sandy-blonde color. It’s swept up off her face in a messy bun in the back. I immediately know this is Jaxon’s mom. Not because they look alike but because she has the exact same eyes as Jaxon. Eyes that are watching me with open curiosity and adoration.
Jaxon lets go of my hand and envelops her in a hug. She smacks her lips against his cheek and the sound brings a smile to my lips.
After they release each other Jaxon steps to the side and gestures for me to step forward. As soon as I do I’m wrapped in a warm embrace that smells like cinnamon cookies. I’m stunned at first but then wrap my arms around Jaxon’s mom and soak in the warmth and sweet smell. Then I feel soft lips on my cheek, right over my scar, and hear a loud smack.
I can’t help but release a little giggle at the smack.
We step apart from each other and with a smile Jaxon puts his arm around my waist.
“Bailey, I’d like you to meet my mom, Lillian. Mama, this is Bailey.”
“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,” I greet her.
“Oh no, sugar, you call me Lilly or Mama. And I am so very excited to finally meet you.” She grabs my hand and pulls me away from Jaxon and leads me inside. “If I know my Jaxon then I would say he’s very hungry. That boy nearly ate me out of house and home when he was little. Dinner is almost ready.”
I hear a chuckle that says Jaxon is right behind us. I’m so overwhelmed and surprised by Lilly’s immediate acceptance of me that I willingly let her pull me along until we reach the kitchen.
The kitchen is just like I would have imagined a kitchen to look like if I had a normal happy family. It’s big. There’s a wooden table that seats six people. Next to it is a smaller table that looks to be for kids. All the appliances are stainless steel. Above the sink is a big planter window that holds a few small plants. Through the window, I can see a couple small children playing on a swing set.
Standing in front of the island are Anna, smashing something in a bowl, and Mia, tossing a salad.
“Hey, Anna and Mia,” I greet them.
Anna drops whatever she is smashing and runs over to give me a hug. “I told you everything will be okay,” she whispers in my ear before stepping away again.
Mia looks over at me and quirks up her lips. “Hey, Bailey.”
I turn my head and see Jaxon leaning against the doorway watching me. The expression on his face is content, like he enjoys seeing me in his mom’s kitchen.
I look at Lilly, who is grabbing a pitcher of tea out of the fridge. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Actually, if you wouldn’t mind you can set the table for me, please.” She points to a stack of dishes sitting off to the side. I grab them and start laying them out on the table. There are three plastic plates and spoons for the kids and I set them down on the smaller table.
Just when I get done the back door bangs open and I hear little feet running.
“Stop right there, Sarah, Michael, and Maddie. You know better. Shoes off,” comes a feminine voice from behind me.
When I turn around, I see a woman who looks to be in her mid to late thirties approaching the three little kids who are slowly making their way back to the door. After she’s done helping the children with their shoes she stands up and graces me with a friendly smile.
“Hey, Bailey right?” She walks to me and holds out her hand.
I take her hand in mine and smile in kind. “Yes, that’s me.”
“I’m Patricia, but everyone calls me Tricia. I’m Lilly’s way little sister.”
I look from Lilly to Tricia and would have never guessed they were sisters. Yes, they look alike but you can plainly see the age gap between them.
Lilly and Tricia both start laughing. “Our parents went through a crisis phase and decided to have another child in their forties. Tricia was the result,” Lilly pipes in.
“Anyway,” Tricia starts speaking again, “These little rascals are mine and Hunter’s. Hey, rug rats, get over here and meet Bailey.”
Three sets of eyes regard me warily. I squat down to their level so as not to intimidate them. The first little girl, who looks to be about three, points to my scar and says, “My name is Maddie. Wah happen to your fwace? You got a boobie.”