Page 50 of Beautifully Broken
I nod and turn my head forward to look out the windshield.
Please, God, let Jaxon be right.
I’M SITTING ON JAXON’S huge king-sized bed with my phone in my lap. I’m about to call Chris. I hate to worry her, but she needs to know what’s going on, just in case. Jaxon is in the shower.
Jaxon’s house is a complete shock to me. It’s gorgeous, but not what I expected. His three-bedroom two-bath log-cabin style home sits on ten acres of wooded land. When we first pulled up to the house, after driving for about fifteen minutes, the house that sat before me was nothing I would have pictured Jaxon living in.
The whole house has a wraparound porch with several comfortable-looking padded chairs. I only noticed these because the porch light was on. Other than the porch, light the house is surrounded in darkness. The outside of the house is dark wood.
When we first walked in and Jaxon flipped a switch to turn on the lights, my amazement heightened. The first room we enter is a cozy living area that has two couches shaped into an L, with an end table between them. In front of them is a huge fireplace. An image pops into my head of Jaxon and me snuggling on the plush carpet sitting in front a roaring fire. Pillows are laid out and we’re lying there entwined with each other under a nice warm blanket.
The kitchen is of modest size with nice stainless steel appliances. The cabinets are a finished dark wood and the counters are a nice sapphire blue. Off from the kitchen there’s a decent-sized mudroom that houses the washer, dryer, utility sink, and a few other items.
The family room consists of another couch, a recliner, a coffee table, and an entertainment center that holds a big flat-screen television. On either side of the television are two tall towers where a stereo, a DVD player, several stacks of DVDs and CDs, books, and a few framed photos sit.
Down the hallway is one of the bathrooms, a spare room that has a single bed, a linen closet, the stairway that leads to the basement, and the master bedroom.
Jaxon’s bedroom is arguably the biggest room of the house. Even though his bed is massive, it doesn’t even take up half the room. He has both a dresser and chest of drawers, bedside tables on both sides of the bed, a captain’s desk that holds a laptop, a recliner, and a chest at the end of the bed. The closet is walk in and is almost the size of my bedroom back at the apartment. The color theme of Jaxon’s bedroom is steel gray and dark blue. It matches him perfectly.
Bringing myself out of my thoughts, I look down at my phone. After swiping my finger until I find Chris’s number, I hit the Talk button. She picks up on the third ring.
“Hey, girl! How’re you doing?” I feel guilty at her excitement because I know I’m about to squash it. The last several times I spoke with her we were both doing good. Our conversations were light and carefree. Yes, the lingering anxiety of my situation sat in the background but, overall, it almost felt like old times talking to her, before I met Steven.
“Steven found me, Chris.” My voice is low.
“Son of a bitch!” Chris explodes. “How do you know?”
“I received a phone call from him tonight and then I saw him in the bar. I passed out and by the time I came to, he was gone. He says he’s coming for me,” I say, and I start to feel the fear seeping back into my bones.
“What are you going to do? Obviously you can’t stay there any longer.”
“I can’t leave. I won’t leave. I met someone, Chris. Remember the guy I told you about? The one I’m renting the apartment from who owns the bar? Well, we’re sort of seeing each other.” I feel a nervous flutter go through me when I tell Chris this. I know she’ll probably be upset that I haven’t told her. I normally tell her everything.
“What? Since when?” she asks. I can tell by her voice that she’s hurt.
“For the last several weeks. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to, but I wasn’t sure myself what was going on between me and him.” I stand from the bed and start pacing the room. It feels really good to be able to finally tell her.
“Are you sure you’re ready for that, Bailey?” I expected this question, and I’m immediately ready with an answer.
“No, I’m probably not but it feels right. He’s nothing like Steven. He’s one of the most gentle and kindest people I know. And his patience with me is remarkable. He’s known for a while something was off with me but he’s never pushed me to tell him. He’s sweet and caring, but has a protective side. He makes me feel safe. For the first time in my life, Chris, I feel safe when I’m with a man. He makes me feel like nothing bad will ever touch me again.”
“Oh sweetie, I’m so happy for you. You deserve all that and so much more. Just please be careful, okay?” she tells me with a soft voice. I can tell she’s happy for me, even if still a little hesitant.
“I will. Anyway, when I blacked out tonight I had no choice but to tell him what was going on. I didn’t want to leave him without an explanation. He became very upset. I’m going to be staying with him until this is all over.”
Chris is quiet for several seconds. I stop my pacing in front of the bathroom door and place my hand on the wood. I hear the shower running and I know Jaxon is on the other side. The thought gives me comfort.
“I’ve got a break from school coming up in a couple of weeks, and I’m going to put in for some time off at work…”
“Chris—” I start, but she talks over me.
“—I’m coming up there to see you.”
“You don’t need to do that. I’m fine here.” I drop my hand from the door and go back to sitting on the bed.
“Well, I’m coming anyway. I need to see you and meet this guy you’re talking about. I need to see for myself that you’re okay.” There’s worry in her voice and it’s that tone that makes me back down. Chris has been my best friend for years and has helped me so much throughout those years. If she needs to come up here to help lessen some of her stress, then so be it. I have to admit the thought of seeing her again brings a smile to my face.