Page 3 of Adored By The Orc
“I’ll be back in six weeks. Don’t leave the town without me, be careful, stay safe.”
He leaps onto Tobias like our first kiss didn’t even affect him, while I’m standing here with my fingers clinging to my throbbing lips because my entire world just spun on its axis, and rides away.
When the sigh finally escapes me, joy bubbles up through my center. It’s going to be a glorious, nerve-wracking, exciting six weeks until I see him again.
Goddess, I can hardly wait. I’m going to tell Aunt Rosemary everything. For a long time, I stay sitting on the wooden porch, just bemused. Everything feels surreal.
My lips. He kissed my lips. I can’t wait to tell Aunt Rosemary.
I don’t have to wait. Instead of heading indoors, mayhap I’ll head to the market. I head for the edge of town, cutting through where the trees grow, because it’s shorter. I don’t make it two steps before loud thumping footsteps run up behind me.
The only thought on my mind is Bakog. Did he come back for me?
I spin around but before I make it all the way, a bludgeoning pain hits the back of my head and darkness descends over my eyes.
Chapter One
ICY RIVER WATER WAKES my body before my brain.
I gasp as it enters my nose, my throat—and hack uncontrollably as the coughing tries to expel it from my lungs. I’m barely aware of harsh, biting laughter at my expense.
When my vision clears, nothing looks familiar.
Panic hits my midsection. Five strange, varying green faces stare back at me before throbbing pain threatens to split my skull open. “Who are you?” I gasp.
“Who are you?” one asks back, and it’s a little taunting. Immature coming from such a grown male.
But good question. I open my mouth, then close it. “I-I don’t know. I should know. Why don’t I?” My fingers fly up to my head and I groan at a tender spot on the back. There’s dried, crusty hair that I assume is blood-soaked.
“You don’t know your own name?” one asks, his brows knotting with curiosity, which draws to attention his brows. They’re nearly connected in the center—one huge, heavy line.
“No! I... I can’t remember.”