Page 22 of Dark of Night
“I know it’s difficult, but the sooner we know what it is that guy is looking for, the sooner we can figure out a way to track him down,” Cooper said.
Eleanor stared at the big lion shifter as he sat down next to Daisy. “I thought you were a security firm, not private detectives.”
“We are, but we’ve been known to do a little extra for a client from time to time,” Cooper said.
“Client? I’m not a client,” Eleanor said. “I can’t afford to hire your firm for security, let alone for extra services.” She pushed her chair back and stood. “I’m sorry. I think there’s been a misunderstanding about me staying here for the night. Um, I’m gonna go.”
Wes’s hand wrapped around her wrist, and even in her exhaustion and her worry, his touch made goosebumps prickle to life, and she immediately felt too warm.
“Cooper’s not charging you to spend the night here,” Wes said.
“Okay, but I still can’t afford private security or -”
“I know,” Cooper said. “Don’t worry about it. Just open the box, and let’s see what we’re dealing with.”
“Don’t worry about it?” Eleanor said. “What do you mean, don’t worry about it?”
“I mean… don’t worry about it?” Cooper said. He gave Daisy a look that clearly said, is she always this stupid, or is it just the trauma?
“Okay, but just so we’re clear, I haven’t hired you for security,” Eleanor said. She knew she was harping on it, but she wasn’t wealthy. As much as she didn’t want to die, she also didn’t want to suddenly find herself with a bill she had no hope of paying.
“Yes, you haven’t hired us for security,” Cooper said.
“Because I have a pocketknife and Mace, so I’m good,” Eleanor said.
“Neither did you much good tonight,” Cooper said.
Wes muttered a curse, and Daisy squeezed Cooper’s arm. “Honey…”
“It’s the truth,” Cooper said. “I’m not trying to frighten her, but -”
“Well, you are, so knock it off, Coop,” Wes said. Eleanor stared at him in fascination when a low growl drifted from his throat, and his eyes turned yellow.
Cooper inhaled and glanced at Daisy before growling at Wes. “You’re scaring my mate.”
“It’s okay,” Daisy said. “I’m not afraid.”
“You are.” Cooper pulled her out of her chair and into his lap. “It’s all right, my mate.”
He purred to her, and Daisy smiled and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “Thank you, honey. That’s better.”
Cooper glared at Wes even though he still purred. Wes glanced at Daisy. “Sorry, Daisy. My lion is… upset right now.”
“It’s fine,” Daisy said. “I get it.”
Wes still held Eleanor’s wrist, and he tugged lightly on it. “Sit down, Eleanor.”
She sank back into her chair. Wes released her wrist and said, “If you want to wait until tomorrow morning to open it, you can.”
“No, I’ll open it now.”
They’d ordered Thai food for dinner, and the small amount she’d managed to eat now sat like a rock in her belly. Hoping she didn’t throw up, she peeled away the tape on the box and opened it.
She picked up the faded t-shirt that sat on top and stared at it. “Wittica Summer Camp” was etched across the front with a graphic of a cartoon sun smiling down on a half dozen tents pitched along a river’s edge. She ran her fingers along the faded and peeling graphic.
“Does this mean anything to you?” Wes said.
“It’s mine,” she said. “I used to wear it every night to bed. I guess I left it at his place during one of the weekends he was forced to spend time with me.”