Page 35 of Dark of Night
“Man, you’re a way better personal defense system than a pocketknife or a can of Mace,” Eleanor said with a laugh. “If I had the money, I’d hire you just to scare off the gross men who leer at me.”
Wes’s hand tightened around hers. “How often does shit like that happen to you, Eleanor?”
She shrugged. “Probably no more than it happens to any other woman. We just learn to deal with it, you know?”
“Fucking men,” Wes muttered. “We’re the worst.”
“Oh shit!” Eleanor stopped abruptly. “I forgot to book a second room. I’ll go back and -”
“It’s fine,” Wes said. “There are two beds. It’s safer for you if we stay in the same room.” He studied the darkness around them before pulling her a little closer. “C’mon, let’s get the car parked and get into the room before we’re murdered.”
She moved the car to their parking spot and popped the trunk. Wes grabbed both of their suitcases and brought them over as she unlocked the door, and they stepped inside. She fumbled for the light switch, her stomach doing a weird flippy thing when she saw the beds. Or rather – bed.
“Where’s the other bed?” she said and then winced at how foolish she sounded.
Wes sat the suitcases on the bed. “They must have made a mistake in the room booking.”
“I’ll call the front desk and get us switched to a room with two beds.” Eleanor headed toward the phone, stopping when Wes took her wrist.
“It’s fine. I can sleep on the floor.”
She scowled at him before pointing at the carpet. “You really want to lie on a carpet that hasn’t been cleaned in decades? You’ll probably get, I dunno, flesh-eating disease from it.”
“Doubtful,” he said.
“It’ll take me two minutes to call and get the room switched,” she said.
“As my mate, you wouldn’t demand a room with two beds,” he said. “It’ll look odd if you do so.”
“I’m not your mate,” she said as her stomach did that flippy thing again.
“He believes we are. I want it to stay that way.” Wes dropped her wrist and walked over to the window. He pulled the curtains closed. “Do you want to order something to eat?”
“Wes, you can’t sleep on the floor. Seriously,” she said. “It’s so gross. I have to call him.”
“No, Eleanor.” He opened his suitcase. “Are you hungry?”
“I won’t call for a different room if you agree to share the bed,” she said.
“It’s only a double,” he said. “I’m not a small guy, Eleanor.”
“It’s fine. I’m small, and I like to sleep on the edge of the bed, and I don’t cuddle,” she said. “It’ll be fine.”
He stared at her, and she said, “I’ll put up a pillow barrier. Make your choice, Wes. Pillow barrier or a room with two beds.”
“Fine. Pillow barrier,” he said.
“What do you want to eat?” he said.
“Honestly? I’d rather just have a hot shower and go to bed. I’m exhausted,” Eleanor said. “But you go ahead and order some food.”
“I can wait until morning to eat,” Wes said.
She felt like he was probably lying, but too tired to keep arguing, she grabbed her toiletries and clothes from her suitcase and headed toward the bathroom. She flicked the light. “Oh my God.”
“What’s wrong?” Wes said.