Page 39 of Dark of Night
“Shit,” Wes said. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right, and it was a real dick thing for me to say. I apologize for implying you have daddy issues.”
Her anger faded at the sincerity in his voice and face. She blew out her breath. “Look, I get that this feels weird to you, but I swear the age thing is no big deal, okay?”
“It isn’t just that,” he said.
“Then what is it?” she said.
“You’re looking for a relationship,” he said. “I’m not.”
Fuck, why had she admitted that to him? She could punch herself right in her big mouth. “Okay, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be up for some casual sex with you.”
“In the hopes that it would turn into something more?” he asked.
“No,” she said.
He didn’t reply. Her stomach heaving around like a hurricane, she said, “Look, I already know I’m not relationship material and that I drive you crazy, but -”
“The men you dated were the issue, not you,” Wes said. “Don’t let them convince you that you wouldn’t be great in a relationship. You’re sweet and kind and funny, and you don’t hold anything back. That’s a good thing, Eleanor.”
“See, you say all these sweet things but then straight up say you won’t date me,” Eleanor said.
“You’re too young for me. This age gap means we’re at different stages in our lives, and dating me would be a waste of time for you,” Wes said.
“Then we keep it casual,” she said. “I’m good with casual sex.”
“No, you’re not,” he said.
“Stop it,” she snapped. “Don’t act like you know me better than I know myself just because I happened to tell you that I’m looking for a relationship. I can have casual sex with you while still dating and looking for Mr. Right.”
He growled, his pupils turning to slits and the blue becoming yellow in a heartbeat. She stared fascinated at him until he finished talking to his lion and returned to her.
“What did your lion say?” she asked when his pupils rounded.
“He doesn’t like to share, and neither do I… not when it’s our mate, not when it’s a casual sex partner,” Wes said. “If you’re fucking me, you’re not fucking anyone else.”
Her cursedly short temper burst at the seams. “That’s not how casual sex works with someone, Wesley.”
“It’s how it works with me,” he said. “Which is why you and me fucking is a waste of time for both of us.”
“Well, I guess it’s a good job we’re not fucking then. Now I can get on with finding my mate.”
Wes growled again, and she put her fists on her hips. “Stop growling at me. I’m not afraid of you.”
“I don’t want you to be afraid of me,” he bit out.
“Good, because I’m not.” She climbed into the bed and shut off the bedside table lamp, plunging the room into darkness. She yanked the covers to her chin and turned on her side, away from the pillow barrier. “Make sure you stay on your side of the pillow barrier. My interest in fucking you has dropped to ‘never gonna happen in a million fucking years’.”
Wes didn’t reply, and she busied herself punching her pillow into a more comfortable position as she listened to him unzip his jeans and take off his shirt before he climbed into his side of the bed.
She didn’t care that he was mostly naked and within touching distance, she told herself grouchily. Wes Masters was a jerk, and she had no interest in sleeping with him. Ever.
Keep telling yourself that. Maybe eventually, you’ll believe it.
She told inner Eleanor to shut the hell up before closing her eyes. She was exhausted, and she needed to stop thinking about Wes and get some sleep. Once they returned home, she’d simply tell him she was no longer available to be his driver, and she’d never have to see his stupid gorgeous face again.
* * *
Eleanor’s declaration that she didn’t like to cuddle was complete bullshit. Wes knew it was bullshit because not only had Eleanor breached the pillow barrier ten minutes after she fell asleep, but she’d plastered herself to his back like a baby koala to its mother.