Page 45 of Dark of Night
He shook her hand, his tiger purring like a kitten at the feel of her soft skin. “Boone Jameson. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well.”
“Please come in.” Feeling like the world’s biggest idiot, he stepped back so Hedra could come inside. She followed him to the kitchen, and he pointed to the closest chair. “Please, have a seat. Would you like a coffee?”
“Sure, thank you.”
He poured them both a coffee and set the sugar and creamer set on the table.
She studied the delicate bone china set decorated with light pink flowers. “This doesn’t seem like something a bachelor would own.”
“It’s my nan’s,” he said. “She insisted I bring over a few things from her house to make her feel more at home.”
“Ah,” she said as she poured some creamer into her coffee. “So, is your grandmother living with you permanently now, or just while she heals?”
“Just while she heals. She doesn’t have a downstairs bedroom or full bathroom at her house, which is why she’s staying with me.”
“It’s a nice place.” Hedra sipped at her coffee and studied the kitchen. “I like the backsplash tile.”
“Thanks,” Boone said as his tiger purred like an idiot. “I did it myself.”
“Chase mentioned you were good with home repairs and stuff like that. He said you renovated your place and a co-worker’s house.”
“I enjoy working with my hands,” he said. “It’s a fun side hobby.”
“Right,” she said.
Holy fuckballs. Why are you being such an idiot? His tiger growled so loudly, it nearly deafened Boone.
I’m not being an idiot. Just shut up and let me talk to her.
His tiger growled again. She’ll never mate with us if you keep talking. Let me speak to her. I’ll convince her to fuck us.
His tiger made a push for control, and Boone shoved him back. Are you kidding me? I’m already lucky she’s even agreeing to the interview after the way I leered at her. You are not asking her to fuck us.
His tiger sulked like a little kid but retreated. Boone cleared his throat, smiling uncomfortably at Hedra. “Uh, sorry about that.”
“It’s fine. Chase says your tiger is a talker.”
“What else has Chase told you about me?” he said.
“Not much,” she said.
Was she lying? He didn’t know her well enough to tell.
She reached into her oversized bag and pulled out her resume, setting it on the table in front of Boone. He scanned it quickly as she drank some coffee.
“So, you worked at Saint Mary’s Hospital for five years,” he said. “But your preference is not to work in a hospital here?”
“My favourite part of being a nurse is helping people on a more one-on-one basis,” she said with the air of someone who’d practiced the speech. “In a busy hospital, that can be almost impossible. I decided becoming a private nurse was better suited to my skill sets.”
“What made you decide to move here?” Boone asked. He didn’t need to know that detail, but his tiger was already fascinated with the little human and pushing Boone for every bit of information he could get.
“I needed a change,” she said.
He waited for her to elaborate, and when she didn’t, he decided it was best to get right to the point. “My grandmother can be… difficult.”
“I’ve heard,” she said.