Page 59 of Dark of Night
She glared at him before smoothing her scrub top. “Look, am I fired or not?”
“No, of course not,” he said. “This is my fault, and I apologize. You were trying to be nice, and I turned it sexual.”
“We both turned it sexual,” she said. “I know you smelled my lust for you, and that’s why you kissed me.”
Not used to a woman being so upfront, he said, “I wanted you before I smelled your lust.”
Her gaze dropped to his mouth and then to the front of his jeans. He grimaced and adjusted himself, trying to relieve the pressure. “Please stop staring at my dick. You’re not helping the situation.”
She blushed and then folded her arms over her amazing tits that he really, really wished he’d at least seen before Grayson interrupted them. “We’re attracted to each other, but this was a terrible mistake. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” he said. “I’d prefer to have a professional only relationship with you.”
“Same,” she said. “So, you stop staring at my tits, and I’ll stop staring at your dick, and we’ll be… friendly but not familiar. Deal?”
“Deal,” he said.
“Good.” She brushed past him and walked into the house.
His dick still hard, Boone leaned against the railing and tried to think of anything other than the sound of Hedra’s soft moans and the sweet taste of her mouth.
* * *
Wes needed to leave before his lion did something insane, like murder Chase. The cheetah shifter’s interest in Eleanor became increasingly apparent the longer the night went on, and the more Chase drank.
He couldn’t blame the kid, and if Wes stopped and tried to be fucking rational about it, he would give Chase a chance to date Eleanor. They were around the same age and Chase –
No! If he goes anywhere near Eleanor, I’ll tear him apart.
Wes winced and rubbed at his temple. His lion had been freaking out all night every time Chase even got close to Eleanor. Wes honestly wasn’t sure how much longer he could maintain control. His lion wanted to be free, wanted to show Chase and every other male in the room that Eleanor belonged to them.
He should have marked Eleanor before the party. Then maybe his lion would stop losing his shit, and Wes could have a moment of peace.
You can’t mark her. She doesn’t belong to you.
His inner voice was right, but his lion growled and stalked back and forth with real anger.
“Wes?” Grayson stood beside him. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah, my lion is being… difficult.”
“Because Chase is flirting with Eleanor?”
Wes sighed. “Is it that fucking obvious?”
Grayson just shrugged. “You should just ask her out.”
“I can’t, and you know that.”
“Why not?” Grayson said. “She’s not really a client. Plus, she’s attracted to you. We can all smell it.”
“I’m too old for her,” Wes said. “Christ, Grayson, it’s all kinds of inappropriate.”
“That’s a bullshit excuse, and you know it,” Grayson said. “People don’t give a fuck about age anymore.”
“Yeah, well, I do.”
“What’s the actual reason you’re hesitating?” Grayson said.