Page 73 of Dark of Night
Derek’s window shattered, and Wes jerked the steering wheel to the left, his heart accelerating nearly as quickly as the Humvee as his seat jolted.
“What the fuck?” Boone said. He leaned forward and examined the hole in the side of Wes’s seat.
“Wes?” Derek’s voice was low and surprised.
Wes turned his head, his gaze widening as the world slowed to an agonizing crawl. Derek’s face lost all its colour, and he reached under his right armpit before showing Wes the bright red blood on his fingers.
“Fuck!” Wes shouted. His heart a frantic knock against his ribcage, he blasted the Humvee down the road, turning left at the first side street and careening down it before slamming on the brakes.
“Masters, what the fuck?” Jorgens voice crackled over the radio.
He grabbed the mic as Derek slumped forward against his seatbelt. “Derek’s been shot. There’s a goddamn sniper. You and Rodriguez circle back, see if you can spot him. Watch your fucking backs.”
The two other vehicles backed down the narrow road and disappeared. Wes slid out of the Humvee. Gray and Cooper were already out of the vehicle, their guns out and their gazes scanning the area around them. Boone yanked open Derek’s door and undid his seat belt before easing him onto the ground. “Get the fucking kit, Wes!”
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Boone chanted as he ripped open Derek’s vest. “Wes, I need that fucking kit.”
Wes grabbed the first-aid kit from the Humvee and dropped to his knees beside Derek’s prone body. He stared at the gaping exit wound in Derek’s left side just above his ribcage, his hand clenching around the kit.
“Wes, I need the fucking QuikClot!” Boone roared.
Wes pulled the QuickClot gauze from the kit, tearing them open and handing them to Boone, who slapped them down on the exit wound. Derek groaned as blood soaked the gauze immediately and then splashed to the ground, darkening the sand.
Wes ripped open more QuikClot gauze, pressing it down hard on the wound, as Boone placed a bloody hand on Derek’s forehead. “Hang in there, buddy. We’re calling for a medic. You’ll be fine, okay? Don’t move.”
Derek stared up at him, his eyes dark holes in his pale face. He purred softly before making a low trill. Boone returned his trill before glancing at Grayson. “Call for a medic. Hurry.”
“Boone.” Cooper crouched beside Boone, his hand resting on his shoulder. “Boone, he’s losing too much blood.”
Grayson knelt next to Wes and pulled Derek’s helmet off before he took his hand. Tears slid down his face as he smiled at Derek. “Hey, buddy.”
“Don’t leave,” Derek whispered before drawing in a laboured, whistling breath. “Don’t wanna die alone.”
“You’re not dying,” Boone said fiercely. He shook off Cooper’s hand and laid down next to Derek, sliding his arm under Derek’s head, so it didn’t rest in the hot sand. “You’re going to be just fine, Derek. Do you fucking hear me? You’re going to be fine.”
“Terrible… liar,” Derek said before spitting out a mouthful of blood.
Boone wiped the blood from Derek’s chin and roughly kissed his forehead. “I’m not lying. You just need to stay awake, okay?”
Wes pressed harder against Derek’s side, making him groan. The QuikClot wasn’t enough. He could practically hear Derek’s life blood pattering into the sand.
Boone glanced at Cooper and then at Wes. Wes’s lion whined and retreated at the pure agony on Boone’s face.
“Do something!” Boone snarled as his pupils turned to slits. “Don’t just fucking stand there, you cunts. Do something, get on the motherfucking radio and call -”
“Boone,” Derek wheezed, “stop.”
Boone stared down at him and stroked his sweaty hair back from his forehead. “Don’t talk. Conserve your strength until the medic gets here.”
Derek smiled at him, his teeth coated in bright red blood. “Love you, man.”
“I love you too,” Boone said. “Please don’t leave me, Derek. Okay? Don’t leave me.”
He took Derek’s hand and kissed the palm of it before purring to Derek. “Please.”
He rested his forehead against Derek’s, purring and trilling. After a moment, Cooper rested his hand on Boone’s back. “He’s gone, Boone.”
Wes’s lion roared in pain and sorrow. He stood and staggered back, staring blankly at Derek and the others. This wasn’t happening. Derek couldn’t be fucking dead. This was a bad fucking dream, and he’d wake up any minute now.