Page 94 of Dark of Night
Coop frowned at him. “Why?”
“It’s too risky. The more men we bring in, the higher the chance of getting caught, even with the Scent B Gone spray. We’ll be putting Eleanor’s life at risk. You know that, Coop. The five of us can do this on our own.”
“Fuck yeah, we can,” Boone said. “It’ll be just like Baghdad.”
“Baghdad?” Chase said.
“Back in our military days,” Boone said. “Combat search and rescue for a pilot that’d been shot down over enemy territory. We found him in a shithole torture camp, but twenty-six hostiles were standing between us and the bird waiting to fly us home.”
“You made it out, obviously,” Chase said.
“Fuck yeah, we did. There were only five of us then, too,” Boone said.
“Wes, what do you think?” Cooper said. “It’s your call.”
“We don’t need the extra men,” Wes said.
Cooper nodded. “All right. Grayson, see if you can download schematics of the sawmill and a map of the surrounding area. Boone, check the -”
“No,” Wes said. His panic had disappeared, leaving a false sense of calm that made his lion uneasy.
“No, what?” Coop said in confusion.
“I’m going alone,” Wes said.
* * *
Wes could smell his friends’ surprise and disbelief. He clenched his jaw and held back his temper when Boone said, “Like fuck you are.”
“This isn’t up for discussion,” Wes said.
Grayson barked out harsh laughter. “That’s not how this works, Wes. We’re going with you.”
“No, you’re fucking not.”
“Yes, we fucking are,” Boone said, his face turning red. “Tell him, Coop.”
“We’re not in the military anymore,” Wes said. “I don’t ask ‘how high’ anymore when Coop says ‘jump’.”
“I’m not saying that,” Boone said. He stood and paced the room, his agitation showing with every step. “You’re not doing this alone, and since Coop is the only one you’ll fucking listen to when you get like this, I’m asking him to tell you not to be the fucking hero and accept our help.”
“No,” Wes said.
Boone threw his hands up in the air and stared at Cooper. “Coop, you gonna jump in here or not?”
Wes bared his fangs and growled at Boone. “Don’t treat me like a fucking child, Boone.”
“Stop acting like one, and I will,” Boone growled back. “I know you’re worried for Eleanor, but you know as well as I do that those fuckers will kill you both once they have the formula. So, don’t you fucking sit there and tell me I’m not going with you. Because there is no way in hell, I’m not.”
“You’re not going. None of you are,” Wes said.
Another loud growl burst from Boone’s throat, and Grayson stood and put a hand on his arm when he started toward Wes. “Fuck you, Wes! Do you hear me? If you think for one goddamn second that I’m going to sit here on my ass while you head out on some fucking suicide mission, you’re a fucking lunatic!”
Wes’s temper spiked higher, his temples starting to pound. “So help me God, Boone, I will kick your ass if you -”
“If I what?” Boone shouted. “If I refuse to let you go on a suicide mission? Go ahead and try to kick my ass, old man, see how far you get.”
Wes’s lion roared in outrage, and Wes jumped onto the boardroom table. Before he could leap at Boone and teach the impudent little shit a well-deserved lesson, Cooper yanked him off the table and shoved him up against the wall.