Page 106 of Secret Love
She chuckles. “This ain’t my first rodeo, kid.”
I furrow my brow. “Remind me later to ask you to tell me that story…”
She leads Sammy into the back of the house. I wait until I hear her feet on the stairs, echoing down into the cellar below.
“Fox!” Darla calls. “I think they’re here.”
I go outside and the helicopter comes into view. “Put your glasses on,” I tell her. She slides them onto her nose with shaking fingers. “Try to relax.”
“I’m fine,” she says, her voice quivering. “You know, I just realized… we probably should have agreed on payment first.”
I smirk. “You’ll be generously compensated for your time, Darla.”
“Good.” She inhales deep and shakes out her arms as the helicopter lands in the field.
“Come on.” I step off the porch and Darla follows closely.
The helicopter door slides open and Mercer hops outside. I stop in the center of the driveway and stand over the area where the bottle was. It should give Dani the best shot.
An agent steps out, his face concealed by a mask. He turns back in and grabs my mother’s arm. Her hands are tied behind her back and she nearly stumbles to her knees as he pulls her from the helicopter. Bennett follows behind her, his own hands tied. A fresh bruise hovers over his eye. I guess he got mouthy.
Mercer stops several feet away and crosses his arms over his chest. “So, this is… nice,” he mutters, glancing around the farm. “Not my cup of tea, but I guess it suits you.”
I look behind him at my parents. My mother makes eye contact with me, her gaze full of love and relief with a justifiable bit of fear mixed in. Bennett looks more pissed off at me than I’ve ever seen him, even more so than the night I fucked his daughter under his own roof. Not only did I kidnap her this time, but I also chopped her trademark hair off.
“Just one other agent, Mercer?” I ask.
He shrugs. “It’s a simple trade. Never take more men than you need. You know our ways, Fox.”
I nod. Mercer has a gun strapped to his hip. The other guy has one trained on my mother.
Something isn’t right here. I have every single one of Snake Eyes’ secrets in my damn pocket. One wrong move out here and their entire organization is revealed… and they only send two guns?
“I’ve taken out four of your squad, Mercer,” I say. “They didn’t send any replacements?”
“Fox…” He grunts with impatience. “You’re stalling. Let’s just get this over with.”
His fingers tap against his bicep. An obvious tell.
I raise a brow. “You’re off-the-grid, aren’t you?” His eye twitches. “The Boss would have sent more than this—”
“This is personal, isn’t it?”
“You made a fool out of me,” he seethes. “I trained you. I turned you into the man you are today and how do you repay me?”
“I guess the Boss isn’t as heartbroken as you are,” I note.
“The Boss told me to put a bullet between your goddamn eyes.”
“But quietly, right?” I ask. “Executing a presidential candidate and cutting up a movie star on live television wasn’t what she had in mind.” Mercer flexes his jaw in anger. “I’m willing to bet you are in far more hot water with her than I am right now.”
Mercer raises his gun to my face. “Make the damn trade,” he growls, “and get on the fucking chopper.”
Now, Dani.
I wait for the bang of a bullet.