Page 55 of Secret Love
Oh, god. Oh, god.
“In public?” I ask, trying to stall the butterflies tearing my stomach apart.
“It’s Santa Monica,” he says. “No one cares.”
“But…” I fidget. “Aren’t you like…”
“My brother?”
“No.”He scoffs. “No, I’m not. At all. I’m more like a really hot neighbor.”
I bite my burning cheek. “Okay, yeah, but…”
“What are you afraid of, Dani?” he asks.
“I’m not afraid.”
“It’s just a kiss. Actors do it to each other all the time. No big deal.”
“I know it’s no big deal.”
He raises a victorious brow. “Then, do it.”
Okay. He has a point.
But… kiss him?
Kiss Fox Fitzpatrick?
I blush. “You won’t make fun of me if I’m bad at it?”
“Of course not.” He shifts closer. “Relax your face, lean forward, and I’ll take it from there.”
My chest tightens. Of all the times I’ve pictured my first kiss, it wasn’t like this. It wasn’t surrounded by strangers. It sure as shit wasn’t with Fox Fitzpatrick.
Fox smiles. “You should put the corn dog down,” he says.
I twist around and set the paper tray down on the bench beside me. I take a breath of ocean air, hoping to feel calmer by the time I turn to face him again, but it’s not nearly that effective.
Just relax, lean, and take it. That sounds… easy enough, right?
My heart pounds in my ears as I lean forward like he told me. Fox licks his lips and smiles again, gently tilting his head as our noses glide past each other.
My cell phone rings in my pocket. I jut backward before our lips touch and scramble to find it.
“It’s my dad,” I read the display.
“Ignore him.” Fox pauses as his own cell screams from his jacket. “And that’s probably Mom…”
“Should I answer?” I ask, my panic rising.
“Let me,” he says, looking casual and not at all freaking out like I am as he flips his phone open and sticks it against his ear. “Hey, Mom,” he answers. “Yes, I am aware that I’ve missed two whole classes.” He looks at me, grinning at my fearful expression. “Yeah, she’s with me.”
I wince. What the hell was I thinking skipping school? God, I’m such an idiot. My dad is going to kill me.
“It’s okay, Mom,” Fox says, still smiling. “I’ll get her home safe. Yes, right now. As soon as possible.” He rolls his eyes at me. “Okay, bye.”