Page 27 of Endless Love
“But as long as you two are happy, I am too. You two are right for each other. It’s like we gave birth to you for you to be together. Whatever you two have, it’s special.”
My chest fills with emotion, at how the only thing she has ever wanted was for us to be happy, and an admission slips from my mouth.
“I’m aware I won’t win the daughter-of-the-year prize anytime soon.”
“You gave me my daughter back. It’s more than enough. I don’t want to dwell on the past. We can’t change it. What’s done is done.”
I exhale in relief. After everything I put the people I love through, they are still here for me. I must have done something right too.
“I’ll leave you, sweetie. I have to call Rebecca now.”
“Bye, Mom. Say hi to Dad.”
“I will. See you soon, baby.”
I hang up and take a seat on a bench overlooking the lake and the hidden villas in Zürich’s covered- in-green mountains. I lean back, enjoying the view.
The light wind plays with my hair, with the sun caressing my face. I close my eyes, embracing this found comfort and security. Something is missing, though. I smile the moment Damien’s face appears on my phone screen.
“Bria?” His voice rings of worry and panic settles in my core.
“Is something wrong?” I shoot myself upright on the bench, and he sighs.
“I was worried. I called you but you didn’t answer, then when I called Soph, she said you left over an hour ago. I’m aware I’m over-reacting, it’s just . . .” He’s afraid, I know.
“I can take care of myself, Damien. I assure you I’m a good girl and won’t take candy from strangers, either,” I add the last part just to shift the conversation somewhere lighter.
He chuckles, and butterflies fill my insides. He makes me feel alive.
“I thought you had work to do?”
“It’s even worse when you’re not here.”
I suppress a smile at him being childish, but give in to this fun play.
“Okay, Mr. Caveman, when should we retire to our cave in Palaeolithic time?”
“I’m sure there are remaining places nowadays.”
He is unbelievable.
“I’m at the lake.”
“That’s why I’ll build us a house at our place, you always loved the lake. The sooner the better. I contacted a construction company today. They’ll start after our wedding.”
I can’t wait to share a home with him too, and giddiness spreads inside me. I love how he speeds everything up, the need for us to experience everything together.
“You’re the best man ever.”
“I’m rather selfish. I never want to miss a thing with you ever again.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Come home. I miss you and I’m hungry.”
“Order something.”
“You misunderstand. You’re what I’m hungry for.” His words have a superpower to melt every part of me, and I rasp his name in answer.