Page 14 of Cheese Daddy
“Dammit!” She laughed, despite the curse, her eyes sparkling up at him. “Who needs a spanking when you can just go ice skating?”
Owen cracked up and laughed even harder when an older woman at the side of the rink gave them the stink eye before skating away.
“I think she heard me,” Bree whispered, pressing her hands against her cheeks. They were already darker from the cold, but he was pretty sure they were feeling hot right now as she blushed.
“I think you’re right,” he whispered as he bent down to help her up again. “Ignore her, though. Come on, let’s get you moving again.”
This time was a little easier because she’d gotten the feel of moving across the ice on her own. She’d only fallen because he’d startled her, which he’d felt a little guilty about, but he’d wanted her to know she was doing it on her own. Now that she had a little confidence, she was having a much easier time of it.
After a few minutes of staring down at the ice while she moved, Bree looked up at him, grinning.
“I’m doing it!”
“You are.” He reached out to take her hand, and they skated off down the ice. It was a lot slower than he could do on his own but a lot more enjoyable because he got to do it holding hands with Bree.
The air was cold, biting his cheeks, but it didn’t bother him at all. He kept an eye on Bree as she became more and more assured in her movements. If she was feeling the cold, she didn’t show it. She was having too much fun with her newfound skill.
After about half an hour, both of them were out of breath, and he could tell Bree had started shivering.
“Time for hot chocolate?” he suggested.
“Yes, please!”
Her fervent answer made him laugh.
They got off the ice and over to the tent where hot chocolate was being served. There were heating lamps inside the tent, which brought the general air temperature up quite a bit, but considering how long they’d been in the cold, it wasn’t enough to truly warm them up until they got their hands on the hot chocolate. Owen was amused to see Bree had no problem loading hers down with whipped cream and marshmallows.
Not that whipped cream and marshmallows on hot chocolate were an indication of ‘Little’ tendencies, and she’d already said she wasn’t interested in age play, but it was one of those things that could be an indicator. A lot of Littles and Babygirls reveled in enjoying their favorite things from their childhoods—or, in sadder cases, things they hadn’t gotten to enjoy as children.
“That is a mountain of marshmallows,” he said, laughing as they sat down on one of the benches in the tent.
“Yes, it is,” she replied happily. “I don’t make hot chocolate for myself that often, so when I have it, I’m going to make it worthwhile.” She eyed his far more modest sprinkling of marshmallows and pursed her lips but didn’t comment, which made him laugh again.
“I’m not much of a sugar person,” he admitted. “I usually eat a cheese plate for dessert, if I have it at all.” A cheese plate with a nice dessert wine. Sweets had never done much for him. He wasn’t sure why.
“Why am I not surprised?” Laughing, Bree shook her head at him, her eyes dancing with delight. “You really take the cheese thing the whole way, don’t you?”
“Hey, my dreams are made of cheese… who am I to dis a brie?” He didn’t quite sing the words, but the cadence was close enough that Bree caught onto the song he was referencing. Cracking up again, she almost spilled her hot chocolate.
“Oh my God, that’s terrible. You have to say that in front of Eden.”
“Eden doesn’t like puns?”
“She only likes the ones she makes.” Still giggling, Bree took a sip of her hot chocolate, her tongue coming out to swipe away the whipped cream that got left behind on her upper lip. “I think the cheese puns are starting to get to her.”
“You’ve been making cheese puns?” Warmth spread through his chest. For some reason, hearing that made him happy. Maybe because it meant she’d been thinking of him and talking about him.
“It’s mostly Rita,” she admitted. “I’m not very punny.”
He’d take that. If Rita was making puns, it still meant they were talking about him.
“Well, no one’s perfect,” he said sympathetically, reaching down to pat her knee.
She choked on her hot chocolate as she elbowed him.
After hot chocolate, they spent another hour skating before going to get dinner. While he’d known he liked Bree, actually getting to know her one-on-one for a date just made him like her even more. The conversation flowed easily, and when it did stop, it was a comfortable silence before the discussion started again.
By the time he brought her back to her house, he knew for sure that he wanted to keep seeing her. From the way she kept sneaking peeks at him and the chemistry sizzling in the air between them, he was pretty sure she felt the same way about him.