Page 21 of Cheese Daddy
Holy shit.
Her mouth dropped open as tears gathered.
“You do?” The words came out in a strangled voice. and
“I do.” A small smile played on Owen’s lips. “I was going to tell you tomorrow on our date, but being a little early isn’t a bad thing.” Holding her face in place, he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her with a slow, sweet kiss that spread warmth all the way from her lips down her body to the tips of her curling toes.
“Okay, you two, I know you’re being all cheesy and cute, but go get a room.” Eden brushed past them on her way out the door, patting Bree’s shoulder as she went. “This is a family establishment!”
Laughing, Bree and Owen broke apart. Eden was irrepressible. Bree had tried to apologize for Samuel shoving her, but Eden had waved her off, saying that Bree wasn’t responsible for his actions. She still couldn’t help but feel a little responsible that she’d brought such an asshole into their lives. She would never have guessed he would actually put his hands on Eden, though.
What the hell had he been thinking?
Ugh. She didn’t even want to know. Samuel was not her problem anymore. Thank goodness.
“Let’s get home,” Owen said, his eyes twinkling down at her. “I don’t know about you, but I just want to curl up and watch some tv.”
“Netflix and chill, Daddy?”
“Netflix and dinner, then chill,” he teased. Considering she’d only nibbled on the appetizers they’d ordered for happy hour, that was fine with her. She was hungry. Apparently, taking down an ex worked up an appetite.
Or maybe it was admitting she was in love with Daddy Owen and finding out he was in love with her, too.
“Okay, Daddy,” she said. Samuel’s attempt to shame her had the exact opposite effect. None of the strangers around them who had heard Samuel’s words had blinked an eye.
None of them cared.
And even if they had, she realized she didn’t care about their reaction. They were strangers! Why should she care? She had her own friends, she had Owen, and what random people in a bar thought was not at the top of her priorities.
Which was almost odd to realize, considering she’d absolutely been worried about what people would think right after she and Samuel broke up. Partly because she’d cared about what he thought, and he’d made it clear he thought she was weird and perverted for what she wanted. The look on his face when he’d tried to shame her in front of everyone, only for no one to care… that had been pure gold.
Now, she was going home with her Daddy, where he cooked dinner for her before snuggling with her on the couch while they watched trashy reality TV. Her new addiction was The Traitors, and it was the best show she’d ever seen. Owen pretended he was only watching for her sake, but he was gasping with the revelations and twists as much as she was. They’d started watching the night before, and it had been almost torture to wait to start it back up again today.
“You know we’re not going to be able to finish this tonight, right?” he murmured in her ear.
Bree muttered something uncomplimentary under her breath. One of the downsides to him being a Daddy Dom—he was committed to her getting a good night’s sleep. Not something she would do on her own, not when the entire season of The Traitors was available to binge. If it was up to her, she’d be up until four in the morning, watching until the very end.
That wasn’t the smartest choice, and she knew it, but she wouldn’t have been able to help herself. So, maybe there were some instances where she really needed a Daddy Dom outside of the bedroom, even though she was a grown-ass adult.
“Can we at least watch the beginning of the next episode so we can see who they murder, then stop after that?” she asked pleadingly.
Owen laughed.
“Okay, sweetheart, that sounds like a good compromise.”
“Can we finish watching tomorrow?” Tomorrow was Saturday, after all. They were halfway through the season and should be able to finish it as long as he was willing to binge. “Or if you’re busy, I can watch it without you.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Ha!” She poked him in the side. “I knew you were invested!”
“I got sucked in,” he admitted, rubbing his side where she’d poked him. “But yes, we can finish watching tomorrow as long as we start with enough time to go on our date. I have plans for tomorrow night.” His hand drifted down to squeeze her butt cheek.
Bree felt her cheeks flame hot. She knew what he wanted to do tomorrow night, and she wasn’t sure whether she was more anxious or excited. At least she would have The Traitors to focus on during the day. Otherwise, she’d probably be a hot mess by the evening.