Page 44 of Mortal Queens
He’d dressed in a gold suit to match the gold band around his head, the six earrings in his ear, and rings on every finger. Troi stepped away, leaving him to walk alone. His eyes met mine and never wavered, disdain oozing from his expression. It lived in his tight lips and flexed hands. Only once did his eyes flicker away to find the stars.
Troi watched with an amused grin.
I stood and crossed my hands in front of me. All the fae turned to see what I was focused on. They found him, coming down the center toward me.
“Welcome, King Bastian,” I said regally.
“My Queen.”
His warm, hoarse voice drifted to the corners of the room, mingling with the sounds of the fae whispering among themselves as I held as still as possible until he reached my feet. The copper flecks in his eyes stood out like fire.
Anticipation danced over my skin.
He sighed. Then, as all the realm watched, Bash lowered himself down on one knee.
The whispers silenced and the fae turned to statues. The only movement was the curled tips of the torch fire, the flutter of the three stars in my throne, and the tilt of Bash’s head as he lowered it into a bow.
I’d done it. I’d gotten a fae king to bow before me.
“I, King Bastian, would like to offer myself into an alliance with you, High Queen of the West.” His deep voice echoed through the hall and to every corner of my heart. Someday, I’d paint this moment. I’d paint it with my finest brushes, then hang it in the hall so I’d always remember what he looked like right now.
I took my time, breathing in the sight of him on bent knee. It was only when he looked up with a glare that I answered.
“It would be my honor.”
He stood quickly. “Good.” He gave a short nod, then spun away in swift retreat. Without another word, he climbed onto his chariot and fled to the skies.
I silenced the ache at seeing him go. He’d done his job, which was all I needed from him.
The triumph on my face was irrepressible as I addressed the crowd. “Thank you for coming tonight. I hope you find your evening most enjoyable.”
I stepped from my throne to join the room. Bash might have done his duty, but I still had a part to play. One king down, five to go.
The fae who came alongside me first had eyes so green they might have been emeralds and a smile so sweet it must taste better than sugar. His skin was rich brown and the pull to him almost overwhelming. Right away I knew this must be one of the fae kings.
“My lord,” I said with a bob.
His eyes twinkled. “I think it is I who should bow to you,” he said. But he didn’t bow. However, he did offer his arm for me to walk with him, and the sea of people parted for us. Talen caught my eye and mouthed a name for me with a wink. Brock.
“Bastian is not one I would have guessed would align so easily with a queen,” Brock said thoughtfully, keeping his gaze forward as we moved slowly toward the cool air of the courtyard.
“It will be a mutually beneficial arrangement.” Half of my focus was on remembering everything I’d been told about this king. He was powerful among the others, that much I knew. Was he the one who owed money? My fuzzy mind gave me little hope of recalling everything. Talen was right. I should have slept.
“I see. Tell me, do you play chess?” He gestured, and I startled. A small round table sat in the middle of the courtyard with a board of midnight-black stone topped with marble pieces. Torches lined our path to backless round seats.
I hadn’t set this table for tonight. He had prepared for me.
Uncertainty crept up, weighing down each step. My knowledge of chess was minimal at best.
The glint in the king’s eyes told me he’d been playing for eons. “It would be an honor to have a match with you, my Queen.” His voice was crisp, and he was built like a wall but moved like a river. I was nothing but a nervous firefly. He sat down.
The lamplight added to the ominous feel of the evening with both light and shadows dancing freely over the courtyard. I kept my back tall so those who watched would see a composed queen. I rubbed my fingertips together, wishing for Antonio to give me strength.
Turn away, my mind said. Decline to play.
But Cal had taught me, and he was smart. Turning away would make me look weak, and tonight was to be mine. So I accepted.
The king sat behind black, giving me the honored white. I wiped my sweaty palms on my sides as I sat behind the color Cal had always chosen for himself and made my first move. The cold white pawn was heavier than I’d anticipated.