Page 81 of Mortal Queens
The other kings laughed when no one would take on Brock, who went to sit on his throne. About a hundred fae sat in the rows of seats, wrapped in circles above us. They mingled with each other, but always kept an eye on the chessboard.
“Gaia is gone, and no one would freely tell us what she did,” Thorn said in a low voice. “You’ll have to ask her yourself when she returns to the palace.”
I frowned. “If she’s there. She looked wild when she left. She’s desperate to survive past our two years.”
Thorn’s face tightened. “We are all desperate for that.”
None more than myself or Gaia. I had my two favors, one from Bash and one from Thorn. But the remaining kings sat before me, and I still needed to collect favors from the four of them.
Starlight bounced off the chess table. It tempted me. I’d learned so much from Troi. . .
I took a deep breath. Precious little time was left if I planned to save both myself and Gaia. I needed those favors. I could get at least one more tonight. “I want to play.”
Thorn made a noise in his throat. “Are you certain that’s wise? Didn’t Brock beat you in five moves last time?”
I grimaced. “First, I didn’t know you knew that. Second, I’ve practiced since then. It’s almost all I did during my isolation.”
“I thought you painted during isolation.”
I huffed. “Your knowledge of me is unsettling. I can beat him, I know it.”
“He won’t eagerly play you a second time. Your optimism is suspicious.”
I ran a finger over his sleeve. “Then you will. Let me beat you easily with simple moves. Then appearing on a high, I will challenge Brock.”
Thorn laughed. “Willingly make myself appear a fool? I’ll pass.”
I thought quickly. “I need those favors. Please, I’ll grant you the friendship you asked for.”
His foot tapped against the grass. “And I want a painting like the one you made Bastian.”
My attention turned from the kings to him. “Why?”
He shrugged. “It will brighten up my throne room. Do you want to trick Brock or not?”
“Deal.” I stood and turned to Thorn with a loud voice. “I challenge you to a game.” My voice drew the attention of all the fae, but I kept my eyes on Thorn.
He sized me up, then said in an equally loud tone, “I accept.”
He pulled out the white chair for me then sat at black. I made certain the kings were all watching as I took my initial move, the same pawn I used first against Brock, as if I’d learned nothing.
Thorn moved his pawn to face mine. I moved another.
We played back and forth, not speaking, until I saw a way to win. I moved my knight into place, with only my bishop left to position.
Thorn swept his rook into a square that blocked my bishop’s path.
“What are you doing?” I mumbled.
“I don’t want to look too bad,” he said. “Find another way.”
To spite him, I took his rook, and he moved his king away. It took nine more turns to set up something again, and this time he let me have it.
Thorn threw up his hands as I declared checkmate, then stood and bowed so deeply that his nose almost touched the table. “My Queen,” he said.
I made my smile huge. “I win!” I laughed and the crowd cheered. Then I spun to the kings, eager glee still on my face. “King Brock, I challenge you to a rematch.”
There was a rustle of excitement among the fae and, one by one, the kings turned to Brock. He sat motionless, considering me. Then he spoke. “What do you want?”