Page 14 of Hidden Monsters
They ate on the deck and talked about work, past cases, and other things that brought out smirks, laughter, and the shaking of heads. It was an easy going atmosphere whenever the guys got together, and Luke hoped things never changed. It was the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
A while later, the weather turned cooler, but they didn’t mind. They moved the party to the four Adirondack chairs Garrett had set up on the dock. Watching the sunset over the lake was the best part, and Luke wondered if Orly was out there somewhere enjoying a sunset, too. “So, if I can bring up your case for a minute,” Caden said, looking at Luke. Since Luke had been taken hostage, his case had the Dallas Police, Texas Rangers, and FBI working together.
“Sure,” Luke said, stretching his legs out in front of him. He still hadn’t been able to identify the mystery guy after going through dozens of mugshot books. But if Caden had news, he was more than happy to hear it.
“We were able to trace that anonymous call back to Los Angeles,” Caden said. “It was placed from a payphone at a venue that was hosting an LAPD luncheon that day. It could’ve been anyone from the event, but that at least narrows it down to about two hundred people, so I’m going to keep digging. Maybe I can find some security footage of the caller.”
Luke’s heart sank, his thoughts going to Orly. He couldn’t tell Caden, but that was the last thing he wanted his friend looking into. Orly didn’t want to be found or identified, and if Caden succeeded, he could end up bringing Russell right to her.
“You okay there?” Blake asked.
Luke glanced at his friend and nodded, his thoughts still on Orly. “Yeah, why?”
“You went a little pale on us there,” Garrett said. “Look, whoever made the call was obviously trying to help you.”
“I know,” Luke said. She’d saved his life.
“But the caller could’ve also been in on it somehow, and while I’d give them leniency for their efforts and actions that ultimately saved your life, I’m not inclined to turn a blind eye. You could’ve been killed,” Caden said.
Luke nodded, wanting to put this conversation behind them. If it was anyone else, he’d be backing Caden’s efforts all the way. But this was Orly. He knew she had nothing to do with the gang. “Hey,” Luke said with a bit of excitement in his voice to stray his friends’ attention to something else. Anything else really, but this was perfectly on topic. “Someone promised us fishing.”
Garrett chuckled. “I did, didn’t I? Alright, well, this is the perfect time of day for them to be biting. I’ll grab the poles, y’all make some room.”
They spent the next hour fishing and enjoying the evening breeze. It was the perfect way to end a great Saturday, but Luke couldn’t help wishing Orly could be there with him. She would love Garrett’s place and he had no doubt that his friends would love her. He had no idea where she was, but knowing she was somewhere out there, alone and on the run, didn’t sit well with him. He wished she’d let him help her.
When Luke got home, his thoughts were still on Orly. He couldn’t wait to talk to her and reached out before he even had his shoes off. It wasn’t unusual for her to be quiet for several hours at a time, but he’d missed her today. Caden’s determination to identify the caller worried him. Luke wanted to warn her and make sure she was okay. So, I’m guessing fishing is off the table.He thought, since she was a vegetarian.
A soft laugh brushed across his mind, making him smile all the way down to his core. This woman, the way she touched him in places no one ever had before, was unlike anyone he’d ever known. I’ve never been fishing.
Would you be up for it? Luke asked, almost a little hopeful he could spend a day out on a lake with just her and the fish. The idea was so utopic to him, he could almost feel the reflection of the sun coming off the water as they sat close, talking and laughing. He’d love to see her reaction when she caught one, even if all she did was put it right back in the water.
He sensed Orly shaking her head and it made him laugh out loud. He felt like a schoolboy with a crush, standing alone in the middle of his house, cracking up at what seemed like nothing. That’s what I thought. I just spent the day with the guys, grilling and fishing. It was a blast.
Nice. I’ve just been working today. Had to film a few videos for my YouTube channel.
Luke perked up. You have a YouTube channel? Curiosity and an intense desire to see her, her face, and her personality bloomed in him.
It’s an ASMR channel where I read tarot cards in a soft whispered voice. I haven’t told anyone about it though. It’s kind of my little secret. It’s how I was able to save up some money to leave my ex and support myself on this little adventure.
Luke swallowed, hard. The thought of her whispering in his ear was making him hard. Really hard. What’s it called? He wanted to hear her, see her, even if it was just her hands, since she likely wasn’t showing her face if it was meant to be a secret. He wasn’t sure if she’d tell him, so when she did, he had to fight the urge to run up the stairs with his phone and go right to it.
Just don’t tell anyone about it, okay? If it gets out and my ex finds out, he’ll…
Her thoughts faded, and Luke stood at the top of the stairs, nodding in understanding, and hating her predicament all over again. If you ever decide to come to Dallas, I promise to protect you from your ex, and anyone else who means you harm. There is one thing you should know though. My friend, who's an FBI Agent, is looking into the anonymous caller. He knows it came from Los Angeles, a venue that was hosting an LAPD luncheon that day. Luke expected Orly to react, but she didn’t seem surprised.
My ex is a Captain. He was giving a speech when I first heard you. She sounded resigned, but not alarmed. He confronted me about it the night Evelyn reached out to me. It was why I couldn’t make the call on her behalf and asked you to do it.
Luke’s hands fisted at his sides, his anger threatening to boil over at what she hadn’t said. He remembered that night well. He’d asked her if she was okay. He never imagined, no - he hadn’t wanted to imagine - what her reasons were for not being able to make a simple phone call. He closed his eyes, willing his blood to stop boiling. I’m glad I could help. He never deserved you, Orly. More than anything, Luke needed her to know that none of this was her fault. What her ex had put her through was on him, and a reflection of who he was, not her.
Thanks. Orly shrugged and her thoughts faded from his mind.
He was always left wanting more, but never wanted to push her too much. He made his way into the master bedroom, tired from the day and excited to check out her channel. The decor in his room was simple, much like the rest of his home. There was a king size bed, two nightstands and a large dresser. The bathroom had a walk-in closet and an oversized tub, but he preferred the waterfall shower Garrett helped him install when he first bought the place. He stripped and showered before getting into bed, eager to hear Orly’s whispers in his ears.
Good night, Luke. Her sweet voice danced across his mind as he turned out his light. He loved when she popped into his thoughts like that, unexpected and unannounced. He’d never been one for surprises, but Orly was making him rethink everything he thought he knew about life. And about himself.
Good night, Orly. He wanted to say more. Insist again that she let him help her, but he let it be - for now. Instead, he snatched his phone off the nightstand, found her channel, and clicked on her most recent video.
Her whispers were both soothing and a turn on. He watched her elegant fingers as they shuffled cards and laid each card on the table one at a time. Her nails were long and painted a shimmery pink. Her hands looked soft and he imagined what her fingers would feel like running over his face, his neck, his chest, and lower. He didn’t even care what she was saying. Just the sound of her whispered voice and the visual of her hands was enough to make him reach under the covers to alleviate the building pressure. He didn’t have to rub long before he came hard, leaving him breathless. It only made him want her more.