Page 27 of Hidden Monsters
I might have an idea about how you can tell your friends about me so they believe you.
Luke tensed. He didn’t like that she was still worried about that. Orly, I told you not to worry about it. They’ll believe me.
Tim Gray.
What? The name sounded familiar, but Luke couldn’t quite place it.
A few years ago, I connected with a firefighter here in Dallas. His name was Tim Gray. He was stuck in a burning building and I stayed with him until his back up arrived.
Goosebumps covered Luke’s body as he instantly recalled the name. He’d been on the scene of that arson fire along with several of his colleagues. Martin was there too, and he’d risked his life running back into that building to pull Tim out. It was one of the events that led to Martin getting promoted to chief. Tim had gone on and on that day about an angel he’d talked to but no one had believed him.
Luke? Did you hear me?
Luke was on his feet and moving before he could even think of what he was doing. When he got to his door, Orly had come out of her room and they met in the hallway. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun at the top of her head. She wore a pink tank top and cute pajama pants with a little red cherry print. She looked absolutely adorable and beautiful at the same time, but Luke couldn’t get over what she’d just said. “I was there, Orly. I was at that fire and I remember Tim mentioning an angel he talked to. That was you?”
Orly nodded.
Overwhelmed by emotion, he pulled Orly into his arms, holding her tight. He rested his chin on the top of her head. “No one believed him. I didn’t believe him.” The admission was like a punch to his own gut and the words came out before he could think better of them.
Orly sighed. “Do you think your friends will believe you now?”
A flare of anger rose up in Luke. He’d had no doubt they would, but now he wasn’t so sure. He didn’t care so much about his own ego or feelings. If the guys ragged on him or called him crazy, he could laugh it off. But for Orly, that would be a devastating blow, and he wasn’t sure she could handle it right now. “Don’t worry,” he said softly, and kissed the top of her head.
Orly sighed and looked up at him. Their gaze met and he was instantly lost in the pools of her sweet brown eyes. “Luke?”
“I like your house.”
Luke smiled down at the woman who seemed to have a power over him unlike anyone else. “I like you in my house.”
She lowered her head and rested it against his chest. They stood there like that, holding each other for a long moment. It wasn’t until he felt wetness through his shirt that he pulled back to see silent tears streaming down Orly’s face. “What? What’s wrong?” He knew she was worried about his friends, but he’d do whatever he had to do to make sure their introduction went smoothly.
Orly sniffled, but didn’t say anything.
“What happened? Did someone connect with you?” It was the only thing Luke could think to ask.
Orly drew in a ragged breath. “No. This is so embarrassing.”
“Nonsense. Whatever is wrong, tell me and I’ll fix it.” He hated seeing a woman cry, but to have Orly crying in his arms, not knowing why, was almost too much for him.
He ran a hand up and down her back in a soothing gesture, while using his other hand to dig his fingers gently into the base of her neck to massage and loosen the muscles there. But when she still didn’t say anything and he couldn’t hear her thoughts, he lifted her into his arms, cradling her to him, and carried her back to her bed. He lowered her down gently and pulled the covers over her, then laid down next to her, spooning her as she snuggled against him. “Is that better?”
She nodded, and held onto him tighter. Every time I close my eyes, I’m somewhere else. Somewhere I don’t want to be. Then I hear your voice in my head or you hug me, and it’s like everything is okay again. What if your friends can’t accept me? What if you decide this is all too much for you?
Ignoring her questions for the moment, he pressed a kiss to the back of her head and just like the night before, he gave her a wide variety of wonderful memories to get lost in as he listened for her breathing to even out. He planned on going back to his own bed for the night, but as he waited for her to fall asleep, Luke couldn’t help thinking how no one had ever been able to reach him like she could.
When their minds connected, she wasn’t just talking to him. It was like she was speaking directly to his heart, touching him right in his soul. He’d shared things with her he’d never even told his friends. And being able to feel her fears and her hopes when he offered words of encouragement, it was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. The feeling was intoxicating and surreal at the same time. They might’ve only known each other a few months, but this woman was quickly becoming everything to him.
He didn’t address her concerns because he knew anything he said now would fall on deaf ears. She needed him to show her that his friends would accept her and that she would never be too much for him. Both of those things would take time.
Luke had dealt with a lot of crazy situations when it came to his job, but this was different. Orly had never been a case or a job to him. She was just his. No matter what happened or what they had to deal with, he knew he’d be there for her for as long as she allowed him to be.
Chapter 13
The next morning, Orly woke up feeling energized and refreshed for the first time in a long time. Maybe it was because she was in Luke’s house or maybe it was because Luke had put so many amazing thoughts in her head last night as she fell asleep. The house was still quiet with just a peak of early morning light starting to pierce through the darkness. She showered and dressed in the ensuite bathroom, then snuck downstairs past Luke’s room. She’d been a little disappointed to find he wasn’t still in her bed when she woke up, but she understood. Everything was still so new between them and they’d only slept in the same bed once out of necessity.
She went to the kitchen and started the coffee pot. Then she set about looking around in Luke’s cabinets and pantry in search of something special to make for breakfast.