Page 29 of Hidden Monsters
They spent a good portion of the day running errands. They returned the car first, then came back for Luke’s truck. Orly wasn’t someone who generally enjoyed shopping, but she loved spending time with Luke. He patiently walked the aisles of a big box store with her while she picked out what she needed. Then they went to a home improvement store and selected multiple kinds of seedlings for her vegetable garden, along with a variety of flowers. They also got a few bags of dirt, mulch, some tools, and gardening gloves.
By the time they got back to Luke’s house, they were exhausted and spent the rest of the day watching television on the couch. Luke offered to order in for dinner, but Orly had spotted a box of ziti pasta in his pantry, so she made a baked ziti casserole.
“Delicious,” Luke smiled as they ate at the dining room table. “But just so we’re clear, I don’t expect you to cook or clean for me. I don’t want you to feel like a guest, but you’re definitely not my maid or servant. I’m just happy you’re here and I want to get to know you. Really get to know you. Spend time with you. Kiss you. And I absolutely want to eat a lot more meals with you. But I don’t want you to feel obligated to cook everyday.”
Orly couldn’t help the grin that stretched the corners of her mouth as he spoke. He was so sweet and had quite a way with words. “I agree. Especially about the kissing part.” She felt her cheeks pink when she said that and just like Luke, she wanted to be clear, too. “But you also have to promise you’ll tell me the second it all becomes too much and you want me to leave.”
“Not going to happen.”
“Luke, the last thing I want is to overstay my welcome.” Orly knew things always started just fine, but as time went on, people grew tired of her ability and all the drama and chaos that went along with it. The last thing she wanted to do was have it drive a wedge between her and Luke. “Promise me,” she insisted.
“Fine,” he said, begrudgingly. But it’ll never happen.
Chapter 14
After dinner, Luke insisted Orly retreat to the couch while he loaded their plates in the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. Aunt Bea and his mom were the only two women that had ever cooked for him. ThatOrly had gotten up early to make him a gourmet breakfast and then slaved over a delicious dinner meant more to him than he could say.
There was so much more to this woman than her ability or the people she helped. Orly was talented in the kitchen and had a fun sense of humor, but it was the way she took everything in stride that impressed him the most. He’d honestly loved her idea of growing a garden in his yard. There was something about her putting down literal roots on his property that settled something deep inside him. He wanted Orly to feel at home here. And the idea that he could ever get tired of her was just insane. If anything, Luke worried he was becoming addicted to her and would never want her to leave.
He’d never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do, but he would absolutely go out of his way to keep the odds in his favor. If she decided to leave one day, it would probably kill him to let her go, but he would, as long as she was safe. Luke knew from the many domestic violence cases he’d worked how hard it was for women to leave an abusive relationship and he was so proud of her for doing what she had to do in order to make it possible for herself.
As the evening progressed, they settled onto the couch with cups of tea, while watching a few episodes of a real estate reality show where a couple had to pick between three homes to buy. It inspired conversations about whether the houses the couples chose were better or worse than the other options. In the end, they both ended up laughing and deciding it didn’t matter, since Luke liked his house and Orly wasn’t in the market to buy a house.
When the third episode ended, Orly’s head was resting on Luke’s shoulder and he sensed her breathing start to even out. He moved carefully until he was able to stand with her in his arms.
“I can walk,” she protested softly.
Luke smiled. “I know, but I like carrying you.”
She smiled and burrowed her face into his neck as he went up the stairs. Her soft warm breaths tickled the sensitive skin there and it made him long for her more. He’d only stolen a few kisses since meeting her because he didn’t want to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for. “You can put me down,” she said, as he approached her door. Luke deposited her on the floor just outside the guest room. “Thank you for a nice day,” she said. “And for helping me get everything.”
“My pleasure.” More than anything, Luke wanted to kiss her again. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were pink from the warm tea they’d been drinking. “I want to kiss you,” he said, not wanting to overstep if she didn’t want that right now.
She gifted him with a smile and lifted up on her toes, offering her mouth to him. Without hesitation, he captured it with his, kissing her slow and passionate, wanting to draw this moment out for as long as possible. His hands wrapped around her slim waist and moved up her back until one hand was cupping the back of her neck, while the other rested between her shoulder blades.
He loved the feel of her fingers moving up his chest, then grazing along the side of his neck until they were drawing slow circles in his hair, just barely brushing against his scalp. He growled low and deep in his throat, his erection pressing painfully against the seam of his jeans. When he pulled back, her fingers were still caressing his head. “I could stay here with you like this forever,” he said, wishing they didn’t have to move.
“Do you think you can stay with me again like you did last night?” She asked.
“Of course. Go ahead and change and wash up, and I’ll do the same. Just call me when you’re ready,” he said, gently touching her temple.
She nodded, leaning into his touch. He really could stand there all night with her just like that and never want for anything ever again. But then with a sweet smile, she slowly pulled out of his arms and retreated to her room.
Missing her instantly, he walked back to his bedroom, thinking only of getting through his own nighttime routine faster so he could get back to her the moment she called for him.
He’d left his cellphone on his bed and the screen lit up as he passed it. He reached for the phone and read the group text message thread. All his friends were available to meet first thing tomorrow morning.
Luke sighed. This was it. After how they’d reacted to Tim Gray and considering Orly’s fragile state, he’d decided to tell his friends about Orly before introducing them to her.
Luke sent them a quick message back that he’d see them tomorrow, then went to shower. He couldn’t wait to have Orly back in his arms, but leaving her for the night was going to be hard. He’d left her last night because he didn’t want her to feel pressured into anything. There were also his nightmares to consider. He didn’t have them very often anymore, but when he did, they woke him with a start and he worried about accidentally hurting or scaring her.
You would never hurt me and there’s absolutely nothing about you that scares me, Luke.
Her sweet voice coated him like a warm familiar blanket and he hoped she never stopped slipping into his mind.
I already miss you. She added.
He felt the same way. I’ll be there in five minutes. And he rushed to get back to her.