Page 34 of Hidden Monsters
Orly was fighting back tears at this point. That was the first and only time she’d ever made a mistake. She felt so stupid. Yet, somehow, she had brought all this onto herself. Maybe if she’d stopped using her ability when Russell had told her to… but then she wouldn’t have met Luke. “The victim’s father,” Orly answered Caden. “He’d walked in on the murder of his daughter. I didn’t know it at the time when I first heard him or I would’ve never tried to help him. The killer was covered in blood. Her blood. I didn’t know it wasn’t his. I thought he was the one that had been hurt. There’s so much I don’t know when I first hear someone. I always used to assume they were victims. But, ever since him, I worry that I’ll help the wrong person again.” That was what scared Orly the most about her gift.
The men sat completely still, listening to her. Expressions of horror on their faces. “Fuck,” Luke breathed. “Most people would’ve lost their shit by now after seeing everything you’ve seen. Going through everything you’ve gone through.”
Orly shrugged and let out a stifled chuckle. “Who’s to say I haven’t?”
Luke gave her a reassuring glance and Caden asked, “How did you figure out he was the killer and not a victim?”
“When I asked him for his name and whereabouts so I could call the local police for him. He laughed and told me the police were the last thing he needed. That he’d just killed his third victim and was about to get away again. It’s like this big game to him. It’s diabolical really. I don’t think anyone has ever seen him, except for maybe that victim’s father. But I didn’t get a very good look at the father, and I have no idea who he is or even what city that was in.”
Caden nodded. “I’ll pull up all the murders in the last six months where the victims were female and found by their fathers. Let’s see if any of their relatives look familiar to you. If we have to, I’ll bring them in for questioning or a follow up interview. That way you’ll be able to hear their voices, as well. If we can figure out who the victim was, we might be able to find some evidence the killer left behind. If he was interrupted, chances are he was sloppy. That’ll work in our favor.”
Jessica Elliot. Albuquerque, New Mexico. The sinister whisper invaded Orly’s mind, sending a shiver down her spine. She hadn’t heard that voice since connecting with him, but even after months of not hearing it, Orly swore she’d never forget it as long as she lived.
She stilled, her breath catching for a moment. What? She couldn’t believe he’d actually spoken to her.
Her name was Jessica Elliot. Tell your FBI agent he can examine her all he wants. I didn’t leave anything behind. Isn’t this exciting? Roanoke was fun, but now we can finally move on to the next phase of our little game.
Chapter 17
“Orly?” Luke didn’t miss the tension that had settled over her. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
She’d gone so still, it was scaring him. Luke glanced at Caden who also noticed Orly’s change in demeanor. All his friends shrugged with indecision, waiting for her to respond. “Orly?” Luke gently put a hand on her shoulder.
As if brought out of her trance by his touch, she turned to him, her eyes blank, but tension still written all over her face. “What did you say?” She looked dazed, like she’d completely checked out right in the middle of their conversation.
“I was just asking if you were okay,” Luke said. “You were a million miles away.” She sighed and Luke squeezed her hand. “Is someone in trouble?” He asked.
“No. Her name was Jessica Elliot,” Orly said quietly.
“I’m sorry?” Caden said. “Who are we talking about now?”
“The victim he killed. You don’t have to go looking for her. Her name was Jessica Elliot and she lived in Albuquerque.”
“He told you this?” Luke asked. “Just now?”
Orly nodded, clasping her hands together in her lap, but not before Luke noticed them slightly shaking. “He thinks it’s a game. He’s...excited. I have a really bad feeling about this. It’s like he’s playing with us. With me.”
Suddenly needing to be closer to her, Luke stood and lifted Orly into his arms, settling her onto his lap. He didn’t care that all his friends were watching. She was scared and he was ready to do anything to make it better for her. “I won’t let him get anywhere near you,” Luke said, before thinking over his words. This guy could obviously be on the other side of the world and still hurt her just the same. And they both knew it. When she glanced up at Luke with sorrow swimming in her eyes, it made his chest tighten. He wanted to fight every single one of her demons so she could finally live her life, go to work, shop, and spend her time doing the things she wanted to do instead of worrying about the monsters in this world that were trying to hurt her - both the monster in her head, and Russell, the one Luke was starting to think of as the monster hiding in plain sight. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I mean it, Orly. I will find a way to stop him from hurting you.”
Orly rested her head on his chest. The soft scent of her shampoo had him nuzzling into her beautiful golden curls, inhaling deeply at the sweet aroma of the woman who’d unexpectedly changed his life and all his priorities.
Before her, his only goals were career oriented. His life was all about the next big case, the next promotion, the next big lead. But sitting here now with Orly in his arms, all he could think about was the kind of man he wanted to be for her. After watching so many of his co-workers go through painful divorces, he knew better than anyone relationships didn’t always last and most were over before they’d even begun. But his desire for this woman went soul deep. Even after she was safe and could go back to California or anywhere she wanted, he hoped she’d choose to stay here. With him. The feeling made him heady and desperate in a way he wasn’t used to.
Luke had never chased a woman. Wearing a badge usually meant women chased after him and he was fine with that. He’d never put much stock into the old adage of guys needing to chase, perhaps because he’d never met a woman he wanted to pursue. If they stuck around, he was okay with that. If they wanted out or weren’t happy, he was fine letting them go without any fuss. He called it being low maintenance, but in reality, he’d probably just been complacent, not really caring about what they did because he hadn’t cared much about them.
It made him kind of an asshole, but he couldn’t help who he cared about and who he didn’t. He did his job and he did it well. He protected those who needed his protection and fought hard for the innocent. But once the job was done, he was out. It was the only way to be in his line of work and still go home at night with a sane mind.
Orly was different though. He couldn’t leave her behind. There was no closing the door on her or keeping her out of his head. No pun intended. He just didn’t want that kind of separation with her or from her. He wanted her in his home. In his bed. In his head. The realization should’ve scared him, but it didn't. Not after all the time they’d spent in each other’s minds, not after she’d saved him from a gang, and he’d rescued her from the streets. They might not have known each other long, but it felt like a lifetime to him. He could hardly remember the last time Orly Shepard wasn’t the most important thing in his life. And he didn’t want to.
“I’ll look into Jessica Elliot and see what I can find out. And I’ll have someone in Albuquerque go over the crime scene with a fine tooth comb,” Caden said.
Orly straightened in Luke’s arms, but he kept a firm grip on her, making it clear that he wanted her close. She didn’t offer any resistance and even leaned back, giving Luke some of her weight. “Thank you,” Orly said to Caden. “It’s been so hard knowing about this murderer and not being able to do anything about it.”
It was Blake who spoke up then. “We’ll do something about it.”
The rest of his friends chimed in with “hell yeahs,” and Luke appreciated their support. It was for this very reason he’d wanted Orly to meet them. He knew they would be there for her. And watching her the rest of the afternoon as she talked to Garrett about fishing, and laughed at Tanner’s jokes about cowboys, Luke couldn’t have been happier about his decision.
Later that night, after everyone had left, and the kitchen had been cleaned up, Luke scooped Orly up into his arms without saying a word and carried her to the couch, settling her on his lap. He loved holding her in his arms. Even after just one week of living with her, he knew he would never get tired of this. Spending time with her was the highlight of his day, every day. No matter what was going on at work or what was happening with his case, being with Orly settled him. More than that, it brought him a sense of peace like nothing else ever had. “Are you doing okay?” He asked, as he sank into the cushions with her squarely on his lap. “I know today couldn’t have been easy for you.”