Page 45 of Hidden Monsters
Orly hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but being wrapped up in Luke’s arms gave her a sense of peace she didn’t even know existed until that first night they’d spent together in the hotel room. Even just sleeping with him had been amazing and she’d felt safe and protected. But tonight, she’d also felt loved and cherished, and it was the best feeling in the world.
“What are you thinking about?” Luke’s voice pierced her thoughts. She wasn’t sure if he’d slept too or if he’d just picked up on her being awake.
With his arm draped around her and her leg thrown over his legs, she smiled. “You. Me. This.”
“Regrets?” He asked, running his fingers over her arm, already making her primed and ready for round two.
She shook her head. “Never. It was perfect. And what you said before...I wanted you, too. I’d never wanted someone I helped before. I fought it with you for as long as I could, but you just...” There were no words to explain how much this man meant to her, even before she’d actually met him. He’d talked to her. Listened to her. Made her feel wanted and important. He’d saved her from a life on the streets or worse. He’d invited her into his life. His home. “If you hadn’t been there to talk to me, to reassure me, to come for me, I think I would’ve just…” Her voice cracked, and Luke sealed her mouth with his, swallowing whatever she couldn’t bring herself to say.
After another breathtaking kiss, Luke said, “I’m here. I’ll always be here.” He came up on one elbow then and looked down at her. “But listen to me, if you ever do find yourself in trouble, know that I’ll find you. I’ll search the ends of the earth until you’re back in my arms. Just hold on for me. Okay?”
Orly breathed in his words like the sacred vows they were. She nuzzled deeper into him, craving every bit of his touch and tenderness. “Okay,” she said, hoping his words would never be tested.
“One more thing,” he said softly. “Starting tonight, you’re sleeping in our bed.”
Orly smiled. She loved this man so much and nothing felt better than being with him. In their home. In their bed. Living their life. Together.
Chapter 23
Orly couldn’t stop smiling. Two weeks had passed since she woke up in Luke’s arms that first morning after they made love and every day since then had been nothing short of a fairy tale. He was incredible, both in and out of the bedroom. Her garden was growing nicely, she loved spending time in the kitchen discovering new recipes, and when Luke wasn’t working, they were either playing board games, watching movies, or her favorite, finding new places in his house to have sex.
But it had been weeks since she’d left the house, and she really was starting to go stir crazy. As much as she loved this place, Orly needed to get out, even if it was just for a few hours.
“It’ll be good for me,” Orly said. They needed groceries, and she wanted to go with Luke and make a day of it. She’d heard about a cute shop and a new coffee place she wanted to check out. And they were already going to Madigan’s tonight to meet up with the guys, so she didn’t see the harm in adding two more quick stops.
“I don’t know,” Luke said. “You know I would take you anywhere, but I’m just worried it’s not safe for you to be out. We risk exposure and -”
“And we could be stuck in this rut for another week or month or year, Luke. I can’t just be holed up in your house for the rest of my life. I agreed not to go anywhere without you and I never complain, but I want us to go out sometimes. I want to hang out with you, and see more of Dallas, and just feel like a normal woman out with her man. It’s been months of this limbo and I honestly don’t know how much longer I can take it.”
Luke swallowed, a flash of hurt briefly shadowing his blue eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. You know I love you and I appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”
Luke pulled her into his arms. “I’m the one who should be sorry. In my attempt to protect you, I’ve held on too tight, and now you’re unhappy.”
“Luke, I’m happy. I just want to go grocery shopping with you. Please? It’s just a grocery store. What could possibly go wrong?”
Luke sighed. “Don’t ever say that.”
“Fine. I’ll be careful and we’ll be fast. In and out.”
“Fine,” Luke said. “In and out.”
“And the shop,” Orly added quickly, hoping he’d agree while she was on a roll.
“What shop?” He asked.
“It’s called The Mystic Cow.”
Luke scowled. “Never heard of it.”
“It’s just a small shop near the downtown area, and there’s a cute coffee place down the street from it I was hoping we could visit. I miss getting those blended drinks with whipped cream and toppings. I used to get them all the time back in L.A.”
Luke sighed. Again. “You realize going to all these places could expose you to a lot of people, right?”
Orly gave him her best smile. “And you’ll be there with me the entire time. I’m safe with you, Luke. I know I am.”