Page 60 of Hidden Monsters
“What are those for?” She scanned the room. The walls were an ugly gray with no windows, and only a steel door that led who knows where. Her eyes followed the chord of the electrodes to an odd looking machine pushed up against the wall. “What is that thing?” She was desperately trying to keep the panic that was slowly rising inside her at bay.
The man shrugged again. “It was used back in the day for electroshock therapy on crazy people. At least that’s what I’m told.”
Orly’s eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. “I’m not crazy!”
The man didn’t say anything. He simply nodded, and left the room, letting the steel door close behind him. Orly tried wiggling to loosen the restraints around her, but they didn’t budge. She was well and truly stuck.
The sound of a generator filled the room with a buzz, but it was the distant screams of a woman coming through a vent in the ceiling that had Orly looking up. Was there someone else here? Wherever she was, it smelled heavily of sanitizer, and the unmistakable scent of urine drifted through the vent that was blowing cold air on her. Luke, I think they electrocute people here.
Orly! His relief mixed with panic filled her mind, nearly clouding her ability to focus. But she hung on to him with everything she had, because he was all that connected her to the outside world.
She’d always done her best not to think about the people she helped. Not to wonder how their situations turned out. She’d convinced herself it was too hard to think about. That there were too many of them. But now, after spending her whole life hearing other people’s pleas for help, she was one of those people, and Luke was her only hope. He was the only one who could hear her.
Shame crept over her when she remembered her conversation with Luke in the back of his truck. How she’d wished she could not have her ability. How she would’ve given anything to just be normal. And now, she would use it to hopefully save her own life.
Orly, where are you? What can you tell me about your location? Luke sounded stronger in her mind, almost as if he was the one once again holding on to the tether of their connection, doing the heavy lifting so that she wouldn’t have to. He probably didn’t even realize he was doing it, but Orly was still grateful. Not just for their connection, but for the incredible man he was. He’d given her more happiness in just a few short weeks than she’d known in a lifetime, and she loved him for that, and so much more.
I don’t know. I think I’m in some basement or something. There are other people here, too. At least one other person. I can hear her screaming through the vent.
Shit. Is there someone there with you now? Luke asked.
There was. He unbuttoned my shirt and took off my shoes, then put some electrodes on me.
The storm of angry curses that flew through Luke’s mind in that moment could’ve knocked Orly off her feet if she’d been standing. Listen to me, I need you to do whatever it takes to survive. Whatever they do, however they might hurt you, we’ll deal with it. We’ll get you whatever help you need. I just need you to survive.
I still don’t know where I am. It’s a room with no windows. Just a steel door. I could be anywhere, Luke. There was a long pause, and it was like Luke was at a loss of what to say. His fear and worry for her was overwhelming him, and even though Orly sensed he was surrounded by his friends, he wasn’t turning to them for comfort. He felt as alone as she was. Don’t give up on me. Please, just don’t give up on me yet.
Never! His thought roared into her mind. I’m not giving up, Orly. If it takes the rest of my life, I will find you. I love you.
Orly’s breath caught at his words, and she fought back tears. I love you, too.
The faint sound of the woman screaming traveled through the vent again, and Orly looked up at it, wondering what they were doing to her. Orly couldn’t make out her words, but she was definitely in distress. If only Orly could control who she connected to, maybe she’d be able to help the woman. The thought nearly made her laugh. Orly couldn’t even help herself right now. She tried to tune out the screaming, and think about something else, but her mind went back to Nelson. She was probably going to end up like him. She didn’t have any information to share with Luke, and it was just as well, since Russell was likely about to come through that door at any moment.
Whatever Luke and his friends had planned, Russell was going to kill her before they ever had a chance of finding her. Or maybe he meant to torture her like they were torturing that woman. Either way, her hope of Luke finding her in time was quickly fading, and she knew it.
Chapter 30
A piece of Luke’s soul died every second Orly was missing. All through the night, he’d sensed how weak she was, both physically and mentally, but she never once complained. How she stayed so strong in her predicament, he had no idea, and he admired her for it more than he could ever put into words. Hell, most soldiers would’ve cracked by now. But not Orly. Not his sweet, beautiful, brave woman.
It was five in the morning, and everyone had been awake most of the night. Blake raided the fridge and whipped up a huge omelet for everyone nearly an hour ago, but Luke was still sitting over his plate. The idea of eating anything made his stomach want to revolt, but he’d already had enough coffee to jumpstart an elephant.
When Caden’s phone rang, everyone took notice and waited for him to finish the call. “Well?” Luke asked.
“They found Nelson’s vehicle and his cellphone. It had over a dozen numbers in it. None of them labeled, and with at least six different area codes. We’ll need time to go through it and figure out if any of them can lead us to Orly. I’m sorry, Luke.”
“Dammit!” Luke pounded a fist on the table. He shoved his plate aside, not wanting to stare at the cold eggs anymore. He hated sitting there, waiting for who knows what, while Orly was suffering, and he couldn’t be there for her.
A hand landed on Luke’s shoulder. “Remember Harper Casey?” Tanner asked.
“Who’s that?” Martin asked, but Luke just nodded. Harper was a seventeen year old girl that had been kidnapped by her drug addicted, eighteen year old boyfriend. After two weeks, they thought they’d find a body, but then a tip came in, and Harper was recovered. She’d been badly hurt, severely dehydrated and malnourished, but she was alive. No one had expected it, but in the end, she made a full recovery, and was currently attending a local university on a full scholarship.
“A miracle case,” Tanner answered Martin. “Just you wait and see, Luke. She’ll be our next Harper Casey, only better, because she has something Harper didn’t have.”
Luke sighed. He knew Tanner was referring to Orly’s ability. But if it wasn’t for her gift, she likely wouldn’t be in this mess at all. He found himself hating it, wishing she didn’t have it at all, even if it meant they’d never meet. But there was nothing he could do about any of that. She was stuck with it for the rest of her life, and knowing his Orly, she wouldn’t be able to ignore it. The murderer who had taunted and tortured her was dead, but Luke had no way of preventing another psycho from invading her mind and putting her through even more shit.
“For the record, I was talking about you. And all of us,” Tanner explained.
Luke nodded, steeling himself for what was to come, and not just in the next few days. With his friends’ help, Luke knew down to the marrow of his bones that he’d find Orly, but it was what lay ahead that he needed to prepare for. Their life together wouldn’t be easy, because her life would never be easy. But he was ready to face anything with her, and he’d make sure she had everything she needed to live her life to the fullest. He’d be strong enough for both of them, and he’d see her through anything and everything her ability might put her through. He just had to find her first.